Thursday, August 18, 2011

Happy Birthday today August 18th

Brian Buzzini turns 49 today.

Also celebrating today, Andy Samberg, Christian Slater, Malcolm-Jamal Warner, Edward Norton, Denis Leary and Martin Mull. Check out more HERE:

Robert Redford turns 75 today.

Besides sharing a birthday, Buzzini and Redford also shared the 1986 cover of Playgirl Magazine.


Scot said...

Brian Buzzini turns 49 TODAY?
He will ALWAYS be that gorgeous young man with a hard-on in the centerfold of a magazine I had to steal fron a newsstand soooooo many years ago.
Man of the Year/Fantasy of My Lifetime!
Half of me wonders what he looks like now, the other half says just leave that fantasy alone!
IMHO, one of the most beautiful creatures ever put on the planet.
Happy Birthday, beautiful boy.

Unknown said...

Like Scott I remember getting this mag as well. It was the first time I bought a "gay" mag and it was Brian that inspired me to do it. His centerfold was the object of much fascination. I tried hard to look like him and spent lots of time working out but never had his proportions. Truly there are very few examples of a better put together model. It really would be interesting to know what he looks like today.