'Winter is a time of cold and quiet beauty. It is a time of hibernation – dormancy – and rest. It is a time to connect with our inner selves.'
Where I live, winter has set in. I know it officially started last month, and we had our first white Christmas in a few years. But... the long stretches of freezing temperatures, snowy days, and darkness that starts before 5pm are here. This means, it's time for a little human hibernation.
Unlike animals, who prepare for, and then hibernate for months, we humans have our mini-hibernation vacations. Evening where we snuggle up under a blanket, stormy weekends when we stay in for two or three days, and partake in our favorite activities. I don't tend to do multi-day hibernations, but there are times, when I have my own brand of decadent dormancy.
My mini-hibernations usually start with a cold and stormy day. Whether I've been home all day, our out, these times usually involve my bed. Since I'm a bit of a night own, I usually don't get into bed most nights until about 1a.m. On my hibernating days however, I prepare for, then head to the boudoir about 7 or 8pm. I have snack, my laptop or phone, a good book or television show to binge.
I received the John Grisham Camino Island trilogy for Christmas, and devoured them over two evenings of hibernation in the first week of January. For my next one, yet to be planned, I need to start season three of Bridgerton. I enjoyed the first two seasons, but for some reason never got around to the third. Since my Wicked crush on Jonathan Bailey still has a grip on me, it's a perfect time to dive back in.
Someone who's certainly enjoying his hedonistic hibernation is Dex, in this series from Jim from Studio1x. Many of you remember my previous posts spotlighting Jim's work with Dex that I've shared over the last few years. Jim sent on images from several of his shots with Dex, and when I recently headed back into the Dropbox folder, I knew this one was perfect for this torpor time of year.
In the previous pieces, Jim usually focused his lens at the studly Dex, standing or posing. (HERE:) In some, he donned some fashion, only of course to the strip off. In others, he was holding sunflowers or roses, maybe as visual foreplay, a hint of what was to come. This however to me, is the most intimately sensual depictions of Dex that Jim has captured,
Once Dex is nice and comfy, snuggled in his bed, it's time to take hibernation to the next level. We all know, it's meant for more than just sleeping, there's a purpose involved. They say that hibernation is a covert preparation for a more overt action. A quiet journey to a more robust destination. Check out more of Dex's journey to a happier ending on the NEXT PAGE HERE:
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