Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Greg by Mark Grantham

If you love the work of photographer Mark Grantham as much as I do, you most likely are already familiar with his images of Greg. Mark first published 'Greg' in 2007, and the artist says it has always been one of his most popular books. As you can clearly see from these images, it is easy to see why. Greg's has incredible ethereal look, beautifully captured, both body and soul, in each of Grantham's images.

'I've learned a lot about printed and editing in the last 5 years though, so I wanted to do better by Greg - his images deserved it! This new 2nd edition is greatly expanded; new brighter editing, new layouts, and 20% more photos!'

Presenting Greg... This book is the result of 3 outings with Greg, all within a 9 month period. Each day was full of surprises - I hope you enjoy this photographic journey as much as I enjoyed capturing it!

Day 1: Greg was just 18. He arrived with 2 pair of low-rise pants, and a couple of T-shirts, and that was it. The clothes hardly entered into the shoot anyway.

Day 2: A duo shoot with Greg and CJ. They hit it off as soon as they met, talking about music, cars, school... For me, the day was a bit like chasing two puppies around while they played - hard to keep up with, but a whole lot of fun!

Day 3: Late summer found us shooting together again for the 3rd time... another solo shoot, but this time out in nature.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful!!