Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Favorite Pic of the Day for June 19th

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Seasonal Sightings:

Nassim Lyes in Under Paris

I thought UNDER PARIS would be a jokey movie, like SHARKNADO, but Twitter convinced me to give it a watch, and it's really quite good. The last 25 minutes were amazing.

So like many, I saw the promotional posters for Under Paris and assumed it was just another low budget Sharknado type film.  I'm so glad I saw Stephen King's Tweet, and followed the the King of Horror's advice.  Under Paris was of course silly and ridiculous, but it was also really fun and an enjoyable weekend summer watch. 

I loved seeing the original Jaws on VHS when I was a kid, it was one of my dad's favorites.  It's also a movie I've since purchased many times.  On DVD, on Blu-Ray, the many 'special editions' and most recently on Blu-Ray 4k.  I've watched it more than a few times, usually in the summer, and enjoy it every time. 

I'm one of those people that would rather watch a film I know I'll enjoy, then wasting time watching some lousy new release that want to turn off after a few minutes.  So glad however, with Under Paris, I gave a new shark movie a shot.

One of the highlights of the shark flick, was being introduced to actor Nassim Lyes who played Adil.  Nassim looked especially hot in his police tactical gear and of course, in his tight wet suit.  I'd not cinematically introduced to Nassim before, but that face, and those beautiful eyes, certainly made an imprint!  Check out more of Nassim, minus the wet suit, on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

Pizza Boy: He Delivers

'A Pizza Parlour where all sorts of sexy shenanigans goes on among staff & customers. Extra sausage anyone?'

Everyone once in awhile I see a scene, a promotional photo or a DVD cover for a classic porn film, that has me wanting to find out more.  For 1985's Pizza Boy: He Delivers, it was glamour shot on the front the cover.  I instantly thought it looked similar to all the iconic shots of Marilyn Monroe that were used  in her famous calendar.  

The nude body, with skin on red satin is very eye catching, especially when that nude boy is that of porn star Steve Henson.   Henson has over half-a-dozen porn credits on his IMDB list with memorable titles including; Who's Dat Boy, Inch by Inch, View to a Thrill and Like A Horse.


I always found it odd that so many porn flicks in the 70's and 80's contrasted the darker, gritty film inside the box, with a bright, colorful glamour shot on the cover.  They do grab your attention, and I guess maybe  made it 'easier' for people to take the boxes to the counter to rent or buy when the covers were so 'purdy' and looked like the cover of a Playboy or Playgirl magazine and not a porn flick.

Pizza Boy: He Delivers was directed by famous gay porn director William Higgins.  Higgins also produced Box Boy Delights, a similar porn film I featured last year. (HERE:)  Higgins directed dozens of gay porn films over the course of his long career, and produced hundreds more.  This flick starts out in the pizza parlour, but soon follows the boys out on their deliveries.  One of my favorite scenes, especially the set up is included in the clip below.  This particular scene isn't at the beginning, but starts out another encounter about half way through the film.

Sam Tyler: Naughty Things in the Bushes

'A group of hikers walked around a corner and we were only a few metres away, very obviously doing naughty things in the bushes.'

Given it's called 'social' media, so many social media sites make it annoyingly difficult to connect.  This is especially true for artists, models and content creators.  Model Mayhem limits contacts, Instagram and now Twitter make it difficult to send messages unless you mutually follow each other.  Thankfully, some content creators like Sam Tyler, check those sub folders where so many messages are mysteriously hidden.

I saw one of Sam's shots on Twitter. (HERE:) after someone that I followed fortunately re-tweeted it.  I was immedeately smitten with Sam and body of work.  I am a sucker for a guy with long, floppy bangs, especially when their atop such a beautiful face and body.  

Yes, Sam is hot, but it was more than his look that had me wanting to reach out.  For me, the biggest turn-on wasn't just Sam's photos and videos, it was how much fun he seemed to have having.  Sam expressed so much euphoric joy being completely naked,  running, leaping and playing outdoors in his stunning South African playground.

If you check out Sam's Twitter, you'll see exactly what I mean.  No matter what he's doing, just having fun, or exercising and washing his car, Sam's enthusiasm and joy is contagious.  Not only is the fun flowing, but so is the blood flow as Sam is often excited with a rise and shine, especially when posing with friends, especially the beautiful and beguiling Alexandra (Alex). Thanks to Sam for sharing some of his favorite images, and for satisfying all my curiosity and answering all of my questions.

Do you know what sparked your love of being naked? 
Starting to shoot content outdoors is what has really sparked my love for being naked. Being nude in nature is fun. It adds an extra touch of excitement to any of the things I would normally be doing outdoors.  I love going to nude beaches. I have also surfed nude but only once. Doing some more naked surfing is definitely high up on the priority list though. 

What prompted you to first share your images on-line? 
A couple of years ago Alex roped me into doing a stream with her and Jay, an old friend of hers. I say ‘roped in’ but it didn’t really take much convincing. Since then Alex and I started working as a team creating more content. 

A lot of the shoots we do are in nature, on adventures we go on. It’s always better to have a teammate when you’re on an adventure. And it helps to have someone else keeping a lookout for any people while we are doing naughty things.  Alex is always there to help me shoot. I wouldn’t be able to do it without her. She’s the one who really knows the camera and helps make me look pretty. 

Did you have any concerns or issues before hand or after? 
I was never overly concerned. While I was still working as a software developer I sometimes wondered whether anyone at work would find out about this project I had on the side, but they never did. So I have never had any issues. Overall, making this type of content has actually just been a really positive experience.   I’ve been open about what I am doing with all my friends and family. I don’t share too many details with them but they all know about it. 

Where is the riskiest place you've shot?
One time Alex and I were in St Francis, a small beach town up the coast of South Africa. We were shooting some sexy content up one of the beaches in a spot we had found amongst the sand dunes. There were plenty of footprints running through the area, so we knew people had been there, but we just hoped no one would come past while we were there. Despite it being a high traffic area, we were fully naked, and doing plenty of naughty things on top of the dunes. We got lucky, and weren’t caught that time.

Have you ever had any issues with nature, weather, bugs, critters? 
I have never had any serious issues. Only a minor blue bottle sting and some close calls with bees. You also can get really cold when you don’t have any clothes on, which I guess isn’t all that surprising. The day I went surfing naked was frigid. And I went on a kayak adventure where we paddled around nude, and that was also freezing. 

What about human critters? 
Only once did we actually have people clearly spot us. We were hiking in Durban, and had ventured only a few metres off the path to film a short video. A group of hikers walked around a corner and we were only a few metres away, very obviously doing naughty things in the bushes. They didn’t seem to mind too much though and just kept walking. Apart from that if anybody else has spotted us we haven’t noticed.

Do you have a 'dream' scenario that you'd love to shoot?
I have never been pegged. But I’ve been interested in the idea of it. Alex also seems very keen on this though so I am sure we are going to do it sometime soon. 

What is the best compliment you've got from a fan about your body or you images? 
I think that some of the compliments I’ve most appreciated have been from fans who say that they are not really into guys but are following me and like my content nonetheless. These always make me smile.

Sam & Alex

What is your favorite location to shoot in? 
I love shooting stuff by the ocean. I love any shoots in nature in general but the ocean is my favorite place. I grew up surfing in South Africa so I’ve always spent a lot of time by the sea. Now I love getting to frolic around in the waves naked. Definitely my favorite. 

What made you decide to start an Onlyfans? 
I’ve been streaming with Alex on Chaturbate for a while now, and kept getting asked if I had my own OnlyFans. So I decided to start one. 

What can those who join expect?
A lot of outdoor content. You can expect daily posts as you follow me on my adventures with Alex. We’ll be posting videos as well as I slowly push my boundaries trying new things. Occasionally we also have Ethan join in for some of the content. They can also expect regular updates and personal interaction!

Sam Tyler on Twitter / Linktree