Saturday, November 18, 2023
An Autumn Walk by the River
Wherever we go, Whatever we do...
'We're gonna go through it together.'
Over the last five or six months, several themes began to arise on the site. I didn't initially intend to concentrate on them, yet they clearly became of focus of certain posts. Most of my seasonal sightings posts tended to be two, three or more guys mooning. I have a folder for my seasonal sightings shots, and noticed I had saved several shots of multiple moons.
I also focused over the summer on CMNM themed imagery. I'd previously featured CFNM shots, but never really focused on clothed men with nude men until this year. Given both themes featured two or more guys together, I started looking for other sites that focused on the theme. One of my favorites turned out to be a Twitter page titled 'Guys Naked Together.'
It's not just guys at the beach, it's shower scenes, movie scenes, sports teams and much much more. Check out additional shots of Guys Naked Together, as well as more about the site, and the owner, on the NEXT PAGE HERE:
Adam Wylie: When Child Stars Grow Up!
Anyone who's checked out the site for awhile, knows I love me a little Porky's. I discovering the flicks on VHS when I was a kid and watching and rewatching the scenes with male nudity. I've also done several pieces on the site, (HERE:) including looking into some of the 'tragic' edits of male skin from what was on the VHS release, to what was cut with the formatting changes on the DVD and Blu-Ray.
Pimpin' Pee Wee (2009)'Three college buddies search for sex in the summer holidays and end up starting a successful whorehouse.'
'This is a behind the scenes shot between takes of “Porky’s: The college years” or the retitled “Pimpin’ Pee Wee”. I had a blast filming this. I was super happy because I had free reign to improv a ton and be so creative with this process. I made some lifelong friends along the way.'
Circling Back: Spencer by Lights On Studio
When I first started FH, I wasn't on any social media sites. The only site I really used to connect with models and photographers was Model Mayhem. The site is still there, but I don't go there very often anymore. It's like a Ghost town. I still like checking out the POTD contest, but these days, there are rarely more than a few entries. Fewer and fewer artists use it, and most have long stopped checking any messages that might be left for them there.
Check out more of Tom's work with Spencer, minus the wheel, on the NEXT PAGE HERE: