Monday, July 1, 2024

Favorite Pic of the Day for July 1st

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Northern Touch:

The world needs more Canada.
Barack Obama


Last year, Dave from Immortal Form created an original Canada Day themed post, (HERE:) to help celebrate the July 1st holiday.  This year, although I had a lot of Canadian content, I didn't have many shots featuring the flag, and holiday's theme. Sine I loved the images Dave and model Silverfox Mark created so much, I asked if he'd return to shoot to see if there any extra shots we could use this year.  Thanks to Dave to digging into his archives to create these new edits!

The Homosexual Viewpoint in Canada

When we think of the history of male nude and physique photography we often focus on America.  Bob Mizer is one of the most well known and iconic photographers of the male form. Mizer's The Athletic Model Guild was one of the first studios to focus on the male physique, originating in California in the mid 1940's.   Back when gay men got their nudity fix through the mail, the studios images and magazines were sent all over the world.

That doesn't mean however, there weren't other pioneers, fighting and forging their own path in other parts of the world.  Richard (Rick) Kerr, a Scottish-born entrepreneur, owned two physique studios in Canada, R.R (Rik-Art) and Can-Art which hired photographers to shoot primarily Canadian men.  Their images often published in American and International magazines, and eventually in publications published and distributed in Canada. 

One of the biggest, and most popular was TWO.  Subtitled The Homosexual Viewpoint in Canada, TWO was a gay magazine published for several years in the mid sixties.  The magazine combined physique photography with editorial content including articles, reviews of local gay nightlife as well as gay fiction.  It was one of the first magazines to combine the pictorial content with overtly gay editorial content as well. The title is thought to be inspired by a supplement to the earlier magazine ONE which used the same title as an initialism for 'Truth Will Out'.

TWO was published by Gayboy Publishing on Church St, the same address as a club called the Melody Room in Toronto's gay village. The magazine and club were both owned  Kerr.  The magazine was sold for 75 cents and mostly distributed through the Club.  Eventually, the pictorial element  took on more of the magazines pages.  It did not feature frontal nudity and most of the models wore posing pouches.  One of the magazines featured photographers was Can-Art's Frank Borck, who I believe took all of the shots featured here.

Most of the models however, including issue #4, John Ingle, did pose fully  nude, with those images submitted to other publications, many in the States.  The images show here featured John's appearance in TWO as well as images with fellow model Vern Houston.  You can check out more images of John, and a few more with Vern, on THE FH HERE:

Canadian Through And Through

'I'm a Canadian through and through'
Donald Sutherland

On most holidays I do a 12 Days post.  On Canada Day, I usually spotlight a Canadian movie, or an Actors & Skin post on a Canadian actor.  This year, I decided to focus on a movie filmed in Italy and the UK, but the star, is proudly Canadian. Actor Donald Sutherland was born in New Brunswick, grew up in Nova Scotia, then moved to Toronto to attend The University of Toronto.  Sutherland also lived in England for many years and later had  homes in Paris, the US and Quebec.

I was struck just how Canadian Sutherland was when reading some of the tributes after the actor's recent death.   Most stories commented on his love for his country, and The Hollywood Reporter even led with a story about his refusal to acquire dual citizenship, something most actors who work, but were not born in the States, end up doing.  Sutherland explained his reason this way.

'We don’t have the same sense of humour. It’s true. We don’t. I’m a Canadian through and through, '

I think there is a difference in the humour, (and it's not just the u that American spellcheck keeps wanting to fix) between those in the US, and their neighbours to the north.  Canadians seem to have an easier time laughing at themselves.  Canadians also don't seem to enjoy 'slapstick' humour the way many Americans do.  Canadian humour is often more subtle, but can also be darker, and more sarcastic.  

Ordinary People

Sutherland's love for his country was as enduring as the northern lights, shining through his keen interest in federal politics, his love for Canadian baseball and his support for homegrown talent on screen, say several people who crossed paths with the screen icon. 
The Western Wheel

I've loved so many of Sutherland's performances, but I think my favorite has to be his turn as Calvin Jarrett in Robert Redford's Ordinary People.  I saw bits and pieces on TV when I was a teenager in the early nineties.  I saw enough to want to seem more, and went out to rent the film so I could watch it from beginning to end. Something about the story, the direction, the performances made an impact.  I've made a point to revisit the film, and Sutherland's incredible performance, several times since.

The Dirty Dozen

No the 12 Days film I mentioned at the beginning wasn't the dirty dozen, but I had to include these cast pics, especially given the view above of Clint Walker's chest. (you can see more on FH HERE:)  The movie I chose was Sutherland's turn in the 1973 drama Don't Look Now.  The film includes Sutherland's first, and definitely most revealing, nude scene.  Check out caps and a clip on FH HERE:

The Spirit of the Day: Only Matt by Briancan Photography

''I did have one model faint after a bathtub shoot. '

My goal on CANADA DAY, is always to shine the spotlight on some of my favorite Canadian artists and models.  I first discovered the work of Toronto's Briancan Photography back in 2017 and quickly got in contact about featuring his work.  It took a little while to connect, but we finally did and Brian's work first appeared in the 2019 piece. Total Immersion.  You know how much I love a theme, and Total Immersion focused on Brian's shots of men in a bathtub. The model who fainted ended up being ok, thanks to Brian catching him before he fell.

In addition to just loving his visuals, there is something distinctly Canadian about Brian's work.  It's not just the hot Canadian men that Brian captures, but also the locations he uses.  Brian often shoots outside, incorporating both the scenic Canadian landscape, but also the ever-changing Canadian weather.  I've featured Brian's images from all four seasons, with some of my favorites being his colorful Autumn, and snowy winter visuals.  

Even when Brian shoots inside, there hints of Canadiana.  In the first bathtub series, there were shots with acorns and maple leaves floating in the tub.  For this Canada Day themed shoot, Brian ensured there was a little red to help showcase the amble assets of the ultra hot OnlyMatt.  I'm guessing many non-Canadians think all men in the land of maple syrup are as ruggedly hot and sexy as Matt.  Although it does take a certain vigor and sturdiness to endure the long Canadian winters, like location or culture, Canadian men come in a variety of incarnations. 

Brian connected to this particular captivating Canuck through photographer George Duncan, whose work many of you have seen previously on the site,  (HERE:) Brian shares that George often heads to Montreal to shoot, and Montreal is where Matt works and lives.  In addition to his being very sexy, Brian describes Matt as lovely tow work and very receptive to new concepts and ideas.  They've now shot together a few times, including a recent duo shoot. Brian loved the chemistry between the two models, and hopefully we'll get a peak in the future. 

In addition to his incredible physique and handsome face, Matt's eyes reflect the intense determination he puts into his career and his future.  When your face and your body are so central to your career, pushing limits and boundaries is a part of the package.  Matt applies his assets to a diverse range of carnally connected careers from modeling, erotic massage, film production and other adult content art forms. Matt's also a great visual storyteller, as you can see from his comments below.

First Nude Shoot:
My first public nude experience was both thrilling and nerve-wracking. It happened during a professional photo shoot for a project I was really passionate about. The setting was an isolated, picturesque countryside field, which helped me feel more comfortable and confident. It was a liberating experience that marked the beginning of my journey in the adult content industry. This experience helped me embrace my body and express myself more freely.

Favorite Part About Modeling:
My favorite part about modeling is the creative expression it allows. I love being able to transform into different characters and tell stories through the lens of the camera. It's incredibly fulfilling to see the final images and know that I've contributed to a piece of art. My favorite reaction has been from fans who tell me that my work has inspired them to feel more confident and comfortable in their own skin. 

Knowing that I can have a positive impact on someone's self-esteem is incredibly rewarding. On the other hand, my least favorite reaction has been dealing with negative comments or judgment from people who don't understand or respect the industry. While it can be tough to handle, I've learned to focus on the positive feedback and support from those who appreciate my work.

Favorite Thing About Working With Brian:
My favorite part about working with Brian is his incredible eye for detail and his creative vision. He always knows how to capture the best angles and bring out the most striking aspects of a scene. His professionalism and ability to make me feel comfortable and confident during shoots are also huge pluses. Brian's enthusiasm and passion for photography are contagious, making every project we work on together not only productive but also a lot of fun. His dedication to his craft inspires me to give my best in every shots.

Favorite Thing About Being Canadian:
My favorite thing about being Canadian is the diverse and inclusive culture. Canada is known for its welcoming and accepting nature, which allows people from all walks of life to feel at home. I also love the stunning natural landscapes, from the majestic mountains to the serene lakes and forests. Being Canadian means having access to amazing outdoor adventures and a high quality of life. The sense of community and the values of kindness and respect that are ingrained in our society make me proud to call Canada my home. 

Favorite Way To Spend Canada Day:
Although I don't typically celebrate Canada Day or any other holidays, I do appreciate the spirit of the day and what it represents for many Canadians. I enjoy seeing the sense of community and national pride that comes out on Canada Day. For me, it's a time to relax and reflect, perhaps enjoying some quiet time or working on personal projects. While I may not partake in traditional celebrations, I still value the significance of the day and the unity it brings to people across the country.