Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Not So Mysterious Skin Robert by Steve Jerome

'Instruye al niño en el camino correcto y aun en su vejez no lo abandonará'
Proverbios 22:6

In his t-shirt and ball cap Robert could be almost anybody. His beautiful face and sexy dark eyes, don't give away many clues about the man beneath the CrossFit hoodie. When Robert takes his clothes off however, his secrets are harder to hide.  His Blessings chest tattoo is prominent and bold. The verse from Proverbs also speak to his faith, and his lesson from childhood, literally left their mark.

Most people who get tattoo's do so for a reason, to commemorate a significant or impact life event. For models, especially those who expose a lot of skin, tattoo's also act as a bit of a prologue, to the stories about those who don them.  During Robert's shoot with San Diego based photographer Steve Jerome, Robert's tattoos actually disclosed more than the model himself.

'Dedicated to his work, Robert was extremely cooperative and a real pleasure to work with. He appeared to be keenly interested in modeling as a career. The only thing that would have made the shoot better is if he talked more so I could learn more about him. I'm sure he has some interesting stories to tell!'

As soon as I saw Steve's shots of Robert, I too felt there must be some interesting stories to tell.  Steven usually likes to get to know the models he shoots a little bit, but Robert remained a bit of a mystery.  Even though he didn't say much, Steve said his camera loved Robert, and his facial expressions were extremely telling.  He could also tell that Robert's tats were very significant to him.

Robert's beautiful eyes, and his tattoo's weren't the bread crumbs he left. There were other clues, a couple, I'm sure a few sharp eyed sleuths have already deduced...  If Robert looks familiar, it' may be because some of you have seen his work in adult films.  Steve didn't initially know about Robert's video work, not that it would mattered, but it wasn't until well after the shoot that he found out.

Although it wasn't really a surprise when Steve found out, it did add to the paradox between the adult film actor, and the shy model standing nude in front of his lens.  Steve remembers the shyness not being a negative or hindrance at all. In fact, Steve shares that  the contradiction between Robert's strong, masculine appearance, and his shy demeanor actually added an erotic element to the final images.

'There is something very sexy about a young man who is quiet and shy while he is also drop dead gorgeous and in great shape. Having Robert in the studio naked and vulnerable was exciting and erotic, and his photos demonstrate that very well.'

If you're as intrigued by Robert, and his not so mysterious skin, as I was, Steve has more shots on his site HERE: and hundreds of additional images for those who are interested.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG He is such a gorgeous guy. I LOVE his eyes. He has an awesome, sexy body.