Friday, November 4, 2022

Election Uncoverage:

Election Coverage:
Playgirl, November 1984
Photography by Laura Bergman
Ed Matthews

Sensitive, intuitive Ed Matthews, 28, from Des Moines, Iowa is currently working towards a master's degree in counselling, but his real passion lies on Wall Street.  Every morning, Matthews checks the stock market reports and confers with his broker and then heads to the squash courts for a heated workout.

John Adler

John Adler believes in human rights.  At 28, he's headed on the right path with plans to get his masters in communication with a dream to pick up where Walter Cronkite left off. 

We at Playgirl admit it, we harbored a humbug attitude towards our political opposites throughout the election year.  That is, until we stripped the partisan wrappings from a few of them and got the straight ticket.

Kevin Patrick

The fact that Kevin Patrick, 25, of Redonda Beach California, is a male exotic dancer proves that even Republicans hoof in the near-buff for the benefit of hordes of excitable females.  This native Southern Californian comes from a family he describes as 'unusually close' and has even used his dancing skills to perform in fund-raising benefits for politicians he supports.

Brian Dandrige

22 year old Brian Dandridge of San Diego nurtures dreams of someday becoming a renowned architect, but isn't wasting time mulling over fantasy office  buildings or classy homesteads of his own design.  Instead, draftsman Brian is competing his schooling at USC.  In his spare time he reads, draws and parties.

Gene Conroy, 25, (below L) is an actor who wouldn't mind following in Reagan's footsteps.  Between assignments, you're apt to find Gene reading, jogging or going for long horseback rides. 

Gene Conroy (l) Mark Bennis (r)

Mark Bennis, (above R) is the kind of well-rounded man we especially admire.  Not only does the engineer play volleyball, softball and racquetball, he also sails, water skis, snow skis and races motorcycles.  Mark is on the lookout for an intimate companion who likes Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers and likes eating lighting at dinnertime.  

Thomas Dunlap is at the tender age of 26 and already realizing a solid Republican dream of business success with plenty to show for it.  A marketing director in Beverly Hills, Thomas wrestles with endless meetings, crazy phone calls and the stress that comes with being on top.

Thomas Dunlap

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