Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Achillias: Reversal of Fortune

'This is one monkey you DON'T want on your back.'

Early in October, Achillias sent on a set of images he created of Kong's first meeting with Darrow Andrews.  I loved what he'd created thus far, but there were still a few questions that had to be answered.  First up, defining the the relationship and interactions between Darrow and Kong, and how far we wanted to push the envelope...

In all three of the movies that I've watched, Kong is definitely infatuated with blond beauty left for him to discover.  Although the movies certainly toyed with erotic undertones, they were pretty subtle. The relationship and romance was implied, most notably through Kong's eyes and how he looked at Darrow.  Although there was touch, there was nothing really overtly sexual shown.

Since this is FH however, I wanted to go a little further, while still maintaining some of the boundaries set by the films.   I loved how Achillias displayed Kong's curiosity, exploring Darrow's body through touch, smell and taste.  Darrow is Apehandled for sure, but that's as far as we wanted that to go.

Achillias put the decision as to whether Darrow would have an erection in my hands.  Given the circumstances, and that a wet, eight foot tongue was licking his genitals, a spontaneous erection was certainly possible.  In addition, in each of the movies, after the initial horror of being captured by giant ape, Ann eventually seems to relax, understanding that Kong didn't want to harm her, at least not on purpose. 

Once the beginning of the story was set, and the relationship dynamics in place, it was time to discuss the end.  In the movies, Kong is captured, chained and caged and brought back tot he United States to be put on display.  They called him the eighth wonder of the world, and his captors had no interest in his care or well being, but instead it was all about sacrificing the beautiful beast for fame and profit.  

The only human concerned about Kong's well being was Darrow.  Although he was put in the most harm, and had the most traumatic interactions with Kong, he spent enough time with the beast to understand the Gorilla had a heart and emotions.  

In this version of Kong' story, I wanted a change things up a bit, to reverse the course of Kong being caught and caged and his eventual death.  This time, Kong would remain in charge. Darrow's friends, and the rest of the money hungry mob wouldn't get their way.  

I think the remaining images from Achillias are the perfect ending, and maybe the beginning, of Darrow's encounter with Kong.  As you can see, this was not Kong's first time to a hot hunk rodeo, and he knew exactly what he wanted, and what he was doing.  Darrow wasn't his first infatuation, and he wouldn't be his last.  Kong seems to have a collection of cuties that he's accumulated over his years on the island. 

What happens to Darrow and his fellow captives?  What does Kong want with the, and do they ever escape? Well, maybe one day, Achillias will create a sequel, but for now, the rest of story and what happens to Darrow is totally up to you.  

1 comment:

Robbi said...

Hey, thanks for working with Achillias on this post. I've seen other commissions he made with others that were not on his website from the last time I checked.

Let me know if you want to see them. They're a bit risque but still hot regardless.

Mazel Taf =)