Friday, September 29, 2023

Stiffen Not Shaken: Fletcher by Studio1x

'My photos are taken to tell a story.'

FH viewers know how much I love finding out how shoots come together.  I love discovering how the artist and model connected, what each wanted out of the shoot, and details about the shoot experience.  When Jim from Studio1x sent on his work with Fletcher, I began to formulate part of the story from the visuals. 

Jim sent on over 4000 shots from his shoot with Fletcher, so it took a little while to finish each of the chapters.  When I clicked through the first few dozen images, it seemed Fletcher seemed a little stiff.  He was standing with his hands to his side,  looking a little stiff and rigid.  The first set of shots looked a little like the polaroids that agencies take to show a models face and body shape.

I thought that maybe Fletcher was a little nervous, and that this was his first nude shoot.  Turns out, I was only partly right.  Except for some selfies, this was Fletcher's first nude shoot, but he wasn't nervous at all.  Fletcher was actually just excited to get naked.  Jim always starts his shoots with models dressed, and ensure they're comfortable prior to the clothes coming off.   

After the first few minutes of shooting, Fletcher quickly relaxed, and as I scrolled through the thousands of shots, it was clear that the stiffness was not about Fletcher feeling uncomfortable, but more about his anticipation of what was to come. 

'Fletcher came to be as a referral. I had worked with one of his friends, who had dropped him off at a bar while he came over for a shoot. After my shoot with his friend, Fletcher contacted me and asked if he could schedule a shoot with me as well. We set it up the same week. Fletcher in return dropped his friend, who I shot earlier in the week, off at the bar as he came to the shoot. It was a great shoot.'

If you're a regular reader of the site, you know I don't post many erection shots.  It's a personal choice, for a number of reasons.  I normally am not a fan, especially the way many photographers choose to shoot them.  The penis is a beauteous body part, but some shoot it as if it's a weapon which is not especially erotic or appealing to me. 

I loved Jim's shots of the fabulously firm Fletcher, especially because they were such an important, and essential part of the shoot, and the story.   As you can see, Fletcher was pretty much erect from the moment it was time for the underwear to come off.  In the thousands of shots that Jim sent on, Fletcher was hard in almost all of them.  The only images in that he wasn't erect were near the end of the shoot.  I'm guessing by then, little Fletcher was either tired out, or had taken care of business. 

Were the erections discussed, or arise in the moment? 
I always like to be up front in my initial conversation with the client about erections. I would say that is one of the things most guys worry about while doing a shoot, what happens if I get an erection... So being open and talking about it up front helps put them at ease.  

Not all guys do get erections during a shoot but it is very normal for one to get an erection even if that wasn't the plan. They are putting themselves out there, posing naked, taking direction and showing a very different side of themselves that most people do not see. Like I said every guy is deferent, so do not get one, some go up and down while others stay hard for most of the shoot. Fletcher was no different, he was excited by the time we got to the nudes and we captured his erection nicely.

You can check out more of Fletcher, this time with a bit more of a focus on his backside, more than his front, check out the NEXT PAGE HERE:

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