Thursday, November 2, 2023

Achillias: Lights, Camera, Kong!

'Listen, there is a girl out there who might be running for her life from some gigantic turned-on ape.'
King Kong, 1976

It was back in July that I first contacted artist digital artist Achillias, about creating a King Kong story for FH.  I loved and enjoyed the work Achillias since seeing his images on-line in 2021.  I've also been fortunate to have featured his stories and images several times on the site. (HERE:)  

I love how Achillias visually tells a story, and the vulnerability the depict, and the gorgeous men he creates.  I wasn't sure if what I was asking was too much, but I certainly had some specific moments from the movies I hoped he might recreate.  Of course for FH, I didn't want an Ann Darrow, but a Darrow Andrews, a hot hunk to be both sacrificed and gifted to the King.

I asked  Achillias about creating some of the most iconic images from the films. I wanted the scene  where Kong first see's Darrow at his most vulnerable, when he's tied to the stakes.  I also wanted visuals of Kong lifting up Darrow up for the first time, and carrying him in his hands.  It is  during this scene when Kong's attraction to the hot young Darrow originates. 

Thankfully, Achillias was on board, but he had questions, many questions to ensure what he created was what I had imagined and created.  Should we be in the jungle, as the movies depicted, or maybe another, totally different environment.  Since we were focusing on Darrow, and not Ann, we both agreed a different location, this time a baron desert, would work well.

Then, the conversations turned to Darrow.  What would he look like, what would he wear.  Although I wanted some differences, I also wanted to carry some of Ann's characteristics, including the blond hair.  As far as his clothing, as little as possible of course.  We considered a loin cloth, but eventually thought a pair of white briefs would be hotter.

Achillias then sent me some ideas for Darrow's face and body and our Darrow was chosen.  That only left one more question, his penis size.  Given Darrow is the dude in distress in this story, I didn't want him overly muscled, or have a large penis.  A toned physique,  with an average sized penis would work best.   Kong's initial lust wasn't about Darrow's dick, but the beauty that the beast first observed upon seeing Darrow bound to the stakes. 

It doesn't take long however, for Kong's curiosity to be peaked.  He quickly rips off Darrow's white briefs to see what lies beneath.  Like the movies however, Kong's first meeting with Darrow is just the  beginning of the story, and the start of Darrow's ordeal.  To see how thing end, and if Darrow survives, check out the last part of the story on THE NEXT PAGE HERE:

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