Friday, November 17, 2023

in Rare Form: Spencer by Lights On Studio

Form:  The visible shape, structure or configuration of something.

There's a reason the term' the male form' is used in photography of the male body.  For me, focusing your camera lens on just specific body parts, usually the penis or butt, is among many things, pretty damned boring.  I see photos, mostly close-ups of a model's penis and I just keep scrolling by.  Don't get me wrong, I love me a nice penis, duh, but it holds little interest for me, unless I see the body and face of the man it belongs to.

I know not everyone see's it as I do, but it's the lines and curves of the male body and the model's face that I respond to and for me, makes it an art form. Tom Nakielski, (Lights On Studio) is a chronicler of the male form.  So much so, that in many cases, he forgets to even include certain body parts, the ones, so many of us want included...  Tom often gets so carried away shooting his models in their entirety, he forgets to ask them to take off their clothes.  Tom's frequently sent me shoots, of models willing and open to posing fully nude, with images with barely a penis in site.  

If I've asked Tom one thing more than any other, it's to remember to get a butt shot.  Tom is focused on lines, on curves, on structure and configuration, on lighting, on color on backgrounds and props.  The visual in it's entirety.  Shooting close-ups of a model's penis would be much cheaper, and much less work, but the results... well as I think you all know, wouldn't really interest me that much.

It's probably a good thing that Spencer, the model Tom first connected with on Model Mayhem. didn't shoot nudes.  This meant, that Tom could focus on his lighting, his locations, and his set-ups.  It also fit well with Tom's skills and creativity, as things like both bicycle and truck tires could be so beautifully incorporated within the visuals. 

'Usually I do two setups with a model but I wanted to make sure I got some good images with my first MM session. Plus Spencer is so good looking and in such good shape I couldn't control myself. I started out in the studio and did several setups. '

'When finished, I wanted to do some more pictures in the warehouse. Before going he asked if I would do some pics of him doing a handstand. I of course gave a hardy YES! Often, during a session a model will suggest something that I never thought of or didn't know they could do resulting in some unique interesting images. We roamed through the inside and outside the warehouse doing some more shots. Then we went to a friends house that is on the Grand River to finish up. '

'I wanted Spencer to do some shots standing in the river but he said it looked too dirty. I was a bit disappointed but he was correct. At the time, he was a student at MSU. I believe he is now working as a corporate executive. For me, it was a good start with a MM model. '

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