Friday, June 7, 2024

Axie: The Great Outdoors

' I love being separated from my clothes, with the chance that I may have to get home without them...'

What have been some of your best modeling experiences over the past year?
I've had so many great modelling opportunities, and have genuinely loved all of my photoshoots. My favorites have been those opportunities to try something different or creative. 

One of my favorite recent experiences was doing the world naked bike ride in Vienna. Riding completely naked around such a large city was a truly thrilling experience.

What are some of the best comment or feedback you've got from followers on-line? 
I've had my Instagram for a long time and it has slowly increased over time. My twitter is quite new and I have developed a following quickly. I appreciate when people recognize the aesthetic quality of an image, and aren't only focused on my body. 

Any negative reactions? 
Except for infrequent troll comments online, I haven't had any negative reactions. 

Are there any photographers you're still hoping to work with? 
So many I would love to work with - but mostly anyone that wants to work with me. I really want to do more underwater photo shoots, fetish shoots, and anything dramatic or cinematic. 

Why do you love shooting outside? 
Being naked outside is such a pleasurable experience. I love the sensation of having nothing between my skin and the air. Taking photos outside gives an opportunity to find new and interesting poses and locations. I love being separated from my clothes, with the chance that I may have to get home without them

Do you have a favorite location? Woods? Beaches? 
I love being naked in water. The sensation of wetness against skin.

Is there an outside location you'd love to shoot and pose in? 
I'd love to do a shoot at the Grand Canyon or similar areas.

Have you ever been spotted, or discovered by people passing by? 
I'm pretty careful as I don't want to offend anyone, but I've definitely been caught naked a couple of times on hikes or skinny dipping in lakes. No-one has ever expressed any concerns. I get my butt out in public a lot, so that has been seen by many people. Most people laugh and find it amusing.

'These images only scratch the surface of the 1000s of photos I've taken in the great outdoors'

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