Thursday, August 8, 2024

The Celluloid Garden

And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed
Genesis 2:25

Stories from the Bible have inspired thousands of films.  One could argue almost every modern story of film can be trace back in some way to a character, story or verse from Scripture. The Story of Adam and Ever has inspired dozens of films, so many, I couldn't find or include all that found in my research. Some that I found, I've previously featured, including actor Michael Parks, in The Bible: The Beginning. (HERE:)

Of course I wasn't looking to include them all, but given this is FH, I was looking for films with specific scenes featuring the nude male form.  Despite the subject matter, and the implicit nudity in the story, most of the mainstream films were mostly tame with the scenes depicted, and degree of nudity displayed.  This is understandable I guess, given the response from the Olympic opening ceremonies, we know how touchy some can get.

That being said, I did find a group of films, and a variety of Adams, that I wanted to spotlight.  I tried for the most part to stick with the Bible story, and the Garden and Eden, and didn't branch out to all those Adam and Eve inspired films, like The Blue Lagoon and many others, that focus on a young couple naked on an island.  Check out my favorite four Films clicking over to Page 3 HERE:

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