Friday, December 25, 2020

What the Elf?

Elfie by TheTravelinBum

'A world in which elves exist and magic works offers greater opportunities to digress and explore'

So... why an Elf theme this year?  Many reasons really, some going back a few years.  Photographer Gordon Nebeker has generously been capturing and sharing his Christmas Elves for the last six years. Now, to clarify... by capturing, I don't mean, putting in a cage, as fun and tempting as that might be.  By capturing, I mean chronicling the Christmas Elves that he hires to help decorate the house and  get those ornaments high up on the tree.  Gordon has captured several different Elves over the years and shot them decorating tree's in Massachusetts, Florida, and one year, in the middle of a cold forest while driving from one State to the other.

Mark by Gordon Nebeker

Last year, when putting together my Christmas posts, I not only had Mark, Gordon's latest Elf helper, but as well, the naughty Elves created by artist badsign769. (HERE:). I began to think if I was able to gather a few more, I have my own troupe of Elves.  The final sign that and I should use Elves as my holiday theme came late in the summer.  My father was quite sick, and my usually very active Dad, wasn't able to move without assistance.  

Although he rarely watched television, he did enjoy certain movies, especially westerns and war flicks.  One exception was 2003's Elf.  We sat and watched the movie on an incredibly hot and sticky day in early September.  We had watched the movie together before, but I really didn't pay that much attention.  My mind would wander, or I'd be working or coming in and out of the room.  Dad on the other hand, always paid close attention to whatever Will Farrell was doing.  This time, it was dad that drifted in and out while I paid full attention.  I always enjoyed the movie, but during this viewing, paid more attention the relationship between Buddy and his father's.

So, a theme was then cemented! I wanted to salute the hard working Elf, as they often get a bad wrap. Elves are usually not depicted as very intelligent, but instead simple and obedient creatures, almost like pets.  I usually support the underdog, and Elves are really the unsung heroes of Christmas.  Santa gets most of the attention, but he really only works that one day a year.  It's the Elves who toil and sweat the other 263 days, making all the toys that Santa gets to deliver.

The only time Elves really get any vacation time is while Santa's on his journey. They work right up until the toys are all loaded on the sleigh, then must turn around, and be ready to greet the old man, when he returns tired and grumpy from his trip. Before he goes to eat and rest, he always has plenty of feedback about the toys he just delivered.  Then, as soon as he's ushered off to bed my Mrs. Claus, the Elves go  right back to work to get ready for next Christmas.  So here's to Elves!  The hard working ones, the sweet ones, the naughty ones of course, and given this is FH, we can't forget the naked ones as well!

๐ŸŽ„Check out more Elves on the NEXT PAGE HERE:๐ŸŽ„

1 comment:

lights on studio said...

Love this picture. Great model and pose.