Wednesday, October 12, 2022


It's all fun and games until someone gets arrested...  Yes, this incident is almost 10 years old, but serves as a cautionary tale that in the digital age, images of one's flopping willy can last forever.

This particular streak took place during an NFL preseason game with the Lions vs the Browns.  Anthony Saveriano, a Cleveland Browns fan, made his way onto the field and yanked down his drawers.  He was soon regretting his moment of exposure when he was arrested, and charged with criminal trespass.

The judge fined the then 20 year old, banned him from the First Energy Stadium for life, and sentenced him to 40 hours of trash collecting for tailgaters at four football games.  He also had to write a letter of apology, however I'm not sure to who as most in the stadium seemed to find the incident more humorous than upsetting.

If you have a Youtube account, you can watch a video (age-restricted) HERE:

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