Monday, February 19, 2024

Caucus: Omar Jimenez

I haven't done a 'caucus' post in awhile, mainly because I've pretty much stopped watching cable news.  I don't like being preached to, even by someone I agree with.  With so many of CNN's being insufferable, (Tapper, Smerconish, Wallace) I pretty much tuned out.  I used to have CNN on in the background often while working during the day.  The 'both sides' shit however, had me pretty much stopping about a year ago.  I still like a few of the personalities, mostly those who host in the daytime hours, but watching had  become too stressful.

Even thinking about the orange asshole back in the White House is terrifying enough. I don't need to see CNN do their hourly loop of how old Biden is, especially given how hateful, racist and insane the other candidate is. The lopsided coverage and the need for the network to be 'fair' and 'even' is infuriating.  All that being said...  I do love me some Omar Jimenez.

I had the CNN on one morning over Christmas and Omar was filling in.  I think he was in for John Berman or Phil Mattingly, two other favorites from the morning hours that are still enjoyable to watch.  I was reminded that I'd started a post on Omar awhile ago.  In addition to being exceptionally hot, Omar is always professional and interesting to watch.  His is coverage back in 2020 was especially exceptional.  Many may remember him being arrested while covering the protests after the murder of George Floyd.  Now.. if CNN gives him an hour each day, I might just be tempted to tune back in.

Omar Jimenez on Instagram

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