Monday, March 18, 2024

The Janus to Spring: Jimmy by Male Beauty by bengie

'It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.'
Charles Dickens

With the vernal equinox happening just after midnight on March 19th, it was time for FH to make it's seasonal transition.  The transition from mostly indoor studio shoots more outdoor locations shoots.  The transition from beautiful men in snowy, winter scenes, to beautiful men in backyards, fields and gardens.  Since it is FH though, regardless of what the weather might be, or how hot or cold the temperature, those men are wearing as little as possible.

In Roman mythology, Janus is a Roman God who is unique, in that he doesn't have a Greek equivalent. Janus is the Roman God of beginnings and ends, entrances and exits, change, transition, gateways, doorways, and archways.  It's the perfect time then, to join Jimmy as he heads through the back doorway, out onto the patio and into the backyard. 

Many of you may remember Jimmy, and his work with Male Beauty by bengie, from my previous post featuring their work together from last Autumn.  In that piece, (Structural Elements) I used bengie's work with Jimmy inside, with minimal fashion, and steaming up the shower.

For this year, we head through both the virtual and symbolic doorway to spring, and the actual doorway to bengie's back patio.  Inside or outside, the London based model's structural elements remain visually and consistently stunning.  Jimmy's incredible body and chiseled facial structure are striking whether bathed in studio lights, or the natural light from the sun outside. 

If you're a regular viewer of the site, you're familiar not only with bengie's incredible work, but of his bast patio and backyard and property in the county town of Cheshire, England.  So many of my favorite models have been captured by bengie standing by his patio door and posed and reposed on the welcoming outdoor sofa.

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