Thursday, April 4, 2024

Mystery Meat:

'Look, his isn't a detective novel. Things could get really dangerous from here on out.'
Joe Hardy

I've been an avid reader since I was a kid.  There were not many book stores near where I lived, so I looked forward to Friday's afterschool when the book mobile would be in the parking lot.  Every Friday, I'd head home with at least four or five book, most of which I'd devour before the Library on wheels returned the following Friday.

My favorites series as a kid were the Danny Dunn mystery and adventure series.  If you know the character, you know Danny was a headstrong science nerd who used his science knowledge in a series of adventure books.  I also loved reading novelizations of my favorite movies and of course a little stimulation from Judy Blume books.

One series I never borrowed from the book mobile was The Hardy Boys.  I didn't need to, my father had a large collection that sat on shelves in our rec room.  They were just above the Atlas, the dictionary, the Readers Digests and National Geographics and the complete set of Funk and Wagnalls.  This was in the 80's, before most people ditched most of these books and magazines for the Internet.  

My dad hoped some of us would love his Hardy Boy books as much as he did, but sadly none of my siblings really did.  I was probably the most interested, and I only read a handful.  Most of the books were the blue cover editions, with a few old ones with brownish covers without any cover art.  Recently I came across the image from the book below.  It had me looking at editions from the series from the 90's, 2000's and 2010's.

I noticed the covers have changed over the years.  There seems to be more color and more 'flash' and more a shots of the brothers in action.  There also seems to be a bit more physical contact and more skin, something I don't really remember from those books on our rec room shelves.  There was one old book cover however, that had a distinct homoerotic feel, and one that provided me, and I'm sure some of you, a doorway to a few visual fantasies.  Check our more, and see a FH version of the cover which solves the mystery of which Hardy was the horniest, the NEXT PAGE HERE:

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