Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Bruce Boxleitner in Sixpack Annie

'Busty, blonde and beautiful, Six-Pack Annie seeks to help her Aunt Tess raise $5,000 for the family trying to find a rich daddy.'

For some reason, I wasn't a huge fan of actor Bruce Boxleitner when I was growing up. I remember him on television when I was a kid, but like Tom Selleck, Don Johnson and so many other eighties hunks, my appreciation for their 'talents' only emerged when I got older. 

In the case of Boxleitner, it arose when seeing his beefy behind in clips from two of films.  We saw Bruce's backside in 1992's Double Jeopardy and here, in his feature film debut in 1975's Sixpack Annie.  I was reminded of Boxleitner's booty when I saw my old Actors and Skin feature when I recently used my 2017 May 11th posts for the site's flashback.

I noticed however, that the video was missing as Youtube deleted my account due to my pesky posting of male nude scenes from movies.  Since then, I've been directly uploading them to the blog so they don't disappear as so many of the old videos had.  Since I was uploading a new clip,  I thought I add some more caps.

When the small town sheriff demands Bruce's character get out of the water, 'Bobby Joe' shyly decides he'll walk out backwards covering his goods.  Like myself, the sheriff didn't seem to mind getting a rear view.  You can download the clip on SendSpace HERE: 

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