Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Intimate Portraits: Mickey by Shax Carter

'When I happen across a model that I enjoy working, I try to make them the focus of my independent work for a period of time.'

If you've followed my previous pieces spotlighting the work of photographer Shax Carter, you know he creates an intimate portrait of each of the models that he shoots.  Many photographers capture intimate moments, but Shax goes beyond just moments, capturing a more raw and in-depth depictions of not just a model, but a man.

We've all experienced meeting and interacting with someone for just a few hours.  For that period of time, if we're lucky, we uncover the first layer of a person.  The exterior layer, the layer they prepare for the pubic, for strangers, and those not intimate insiders within their lives.  This outer layer is well-crafted and practiced to deal with almost any and everyone they encounter.  

By shooting models multiple times, over longer time span, a deeper relationship is formed between the artist and subject. Shax is able to peal beyond the surface and skin, capturing layers beneath, layers magnified beyond what's usually visible by the naked eye.  I've previously featured several models that Shax has spotlighted with his eye on a more raw and intimate portrait. some of you may remember my pieces on models; Atlas, (HERE) Nicko, (HERE:) and Jason. (HERE: & HERE:)

My recurrent use of the word raw is intentional.  It not only applies to the images captured, but to the men Shax chooses to shoot as well.  Most of the models Shax works with, including Mickey featured here, are new to modeling.  This experiences means their presentation and poses are not artificial or rehearsed.  There's an organic quality to their visual presentation, one created by their newness to modeling, and their first time posing nude. 

'Mickey was 21, and brand new to modeling, although he said that he had wanted to try it out for a long time.  We met in Washington, for an afternoon introductory photo shoot.  Mickey was an absolute pleasure to work with.'

Because of the multiple shoots, and locations and scenarios shot, Shax usually ends up with hundreds of images from his work with one model.  This motivated Shax to begin creating photo books, chronicling his work, and modeling journey of the model in focus.  Shax has created two books featuring his work with Mickey, these images being from the first volume, and their first shoots together.

In addition to capturing visuals, Mickey's book also completes the intimate portrait, by also capturing Mickey's thoughts on the shooting process, and other details of his life and sexual awakening.  In the first volume, Mickey not only shares his motivation for giving modeling a try, but as well, his early sexual awakening, his first sexual experience, and his relationships with women, as well exploring his bi-curiosity.

I mean I enjoyed it, but I didn't see me going further into a relationship with him.  The farthest that I went with him was makin out, and I enjoyed that part, that wasn't bad, um, but we never did get into the intercourse, cause we didn't stay together that long.

You can preview more of the over 120 plus pages of Mickey One, Shax's first book spotlighting his work with Mickey on Blurb HERE:  You can also check back later this week for more images of Mickey and a preview of book two.

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