Saturday, May 11, 2024

Sequins & Skin

Today, there are many women who are referred to as 'mother'.  It may apply to a strong, pop culture icon, or a woman with unmistakable queer appeal.  Sometimes it gets overused, but it's generally seen as a compliment and a high form of praise.

When I think of 'mother' I also think of drag. Many people new to drag, refer to the queen who first helped and supported their introduction to drag as their drag mother.  More generically, it's also often used in the drag community to reference a queen seen as experienced, powerful, respected and  nurturing of female energy in those around them.

The term isn't new however, and a little research tells us that gay men were using the term going back a far as the 1720's.  One of the first people given the title was a woman named Margaret Clap.  Today, Clap would be considered an 'ally' but in London in the 1720's, she was also a life saver.  Clap ran a coffee house that secretly served as a base for men to have sex with other men.

Adonis Cabaret

'Mother Clap' as she became to known, was arrested during a raid of her coffee house in 1726. 40 male occupants were also arrested.  Clap was found guilty and sentenced to stand in the pillory, pay a large fine, and two years in prison.  News of her life ends with her imprisonment, and it's not known where she ever made it out.

I also weave mothers and drag together as it was that via our mothers, that most of us first explored our feminine side.  Although I was never personally really into drag, I have a strong respect for drag performers, especially given today's political climate.  Drag performers have been leading the way visually, for many LBGQT issues.

Next 2 shots from Images Male

Check out more of Geneva, Venus and Harrison,(above and below) and their shoot with Images Male on FH HERE:

I'm quite sure many gay men, regardless of whether they're queens or not, at one time, peaked into their mother's closet and tried something on.  Part of my transition from boy to teen, was a brief period when I was about 9 or 10 of coveting my mothers clothes.  Even more than her clothes, I loved her high heel shoes.  Whenever the house was empty, I'd sneak into her room and try on her clothes, her jewelry and of course her shoes. 

I'd stick my feet into her shoes, ones that were far too small for me, and strut around the house with pride.  This phase didn't last long, maybe just a year or less, but it made an impact.  Except for one Halloween party when I dressed as an old woman, my drag career was over, but my love of the art remains.

I also love imagery of drag queens with nude men.  There is something highly erotic to me about combining what in some ways are visual inverses. I think we all know however, they are more similar than different and simply opposites sides of the continuum of the man both in, or out of, whatever he is wearing.  Check out one of the world's most iconic drag queen and mothers on the NEXT PAGE HERE:  Including are one of her most iconic films, which also includes a little male skin.


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