Saturday, June 15, 2024

Family Matters...

Father's day can be a difficult day for man.  Those who've lost their father, those with absent or abusive dads.  Those with father's never able to show emotion or able to say that they loved you.  More than ever, with all the pain in the world, most of it from the actions of men, that we celebrate men who lift us up.  Fathers, step-fathers, mentors, teachers and sexual scholars.  

Most of us know, that fatherhood has nothing to do with the men whose sperm was lucky enough to find, and then fuse with an egg's plasma membrane. Fathers are the men who are there for us.  The men that teach us, the men we look up to and the men who care, love and guide us. The men who don't abandon us, especially during the times we push them away, yet need them the most.


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