Friday, June 14, 2024


I Google the strangest things for FH, especially before a holiday.  This year, when I was thinking of subjects to use for Father's Day weekend, I typed almost every 'daddy' phrase that I could imagine.  One of the combinations that I used was 'nude daddy paparazzi' and VoilĂ , up popped the series below.

The images of Arnold Schwarzenegger and his family are obviously quite old, he and Maria Shriver divorced a few years ago.  I'm guessing these were taken over a decade ago, somewhere around 2011 or 2012.  They were new to me however, and I knew I wanted to share.

It wasn't just that Arnold was in his 'full father' role in the shots, it was his changing near where his family was gathered.  The shots below brought back many memories of my own family at the beach.  My dad also wore a black speedo when I was kid in the eighties, and always changed out of it before our long drive home. 

He usually changed beside the car, sometimes using a towel to cover if there were others around.  If no one was near, he didn't bother with the towel, or care in the least that my siblings and I were right there.  We didn't care, we were usually complaining, asking him to hurry as we were sitting in the hot car and wanted him to get in and turn on the AC.

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