Sunday, July 28, 2024

Blast from the Past: Anthony Jones in Party Girl

'The Party is just beginning! 

I have a bit of a love/hate thing with actress Parker Posey and her movies.  I usually love her films, but hate her characters.  I don't think that's because Posey is a bad actress, I think it's because she's so good.  One of my favorite all time movies is Best In Show, but she was so good at playing the annoying Meg, I found her scenes and story the least enjoyable in the ensemble comedy.

Maybe that love/hate thing is one of the reasons I never watched the 1995 comedy Party Girl.  It was one of those movies that I remember seeing on the shelves at Blockbuster so many times.  I often thought I should rent it, but always ended up just passing it by.  Maybe I should have given it a shot...

I wasn't aware that the party, and the movie, ends with a shot scene featuring a male stripper.  Credited only as 'stripper', actor Anthony Jones arrives in the films last ten minutes to strip down to his jock strap at a party for Parker's character Mary.  I would never even have known about the scene, if not for seeing a post on one of my favorite resources for the male form on film, the great AusCAPS site. 

I hadn't heard of Jones before, but he was adorkably hot, and just little dimwitted as the stripper who gets far too easily handcuffed to a pole by Posey.  For the last few minutes he must stand there in just his jockstrap as everyone else celebrates.  I couldn't find much out about the actor whose career has just 9 credits spanning through the 1990's and ending in 2010 with an appearance in Metal of Honor.  I'll keep looking to see if there are other scenes of note in his short career.    Video on SendSpace HERE:

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