Friday, June 28, 2024

John Ingle by Can-Art Studio

The text below is from issue #4 of TWO magazine.  The images are all by Frank Borck and Can-Art studios.  Given TWO did not publish nudes, these images of John Ingle, (and Vern Houston) did not appear in the magazine, but were taken by Can-Art and distributed to other male physique publications.

It would be a lie to say there hasn't been some pretty keen and cunning finagling to draw this assignment.   So there were two interviewers instead of one.  We hot tailed it some one hundred miles north from Toronto, with our tape recorder and our best Kodak Brownie, and hoped for the best.  We had seen John many times on the pages of the physique magazines, and we were anxious to see him in the flesh.

I must admit to a little disappointment on first meeting John...  In a sport shirt and slacks, he just didn't seem quite what I had been expecting.  However, his infections humour and easy manner were overwhelming and I was soon 'hooked.'  We talked easily and I was was further disillusioned to discover that he was not only happily married, but also a family  man.  (Somewhere along the line I had been brainwashed into believing that all beefcake models were nellie queens with narcistic complexes.)  

We had expected to fall all over ourselves trying to ask if we could take some candid shots, but we didn't bargain with the outgoing personality of Mr. Ingle.  At his suggestion he posed for the candids you see here and while doing so we discussed the ins and outs of modeling.

How did he start?
A friend of his was a physique photographer and he did it as a favor and a joke at first.

Had he been successful?
He guessed so.  He had received an avalanche of mail and appeared in various magazines over the last seven years.

Had he made a lot of money?
Yes, it has been financially rewarding and had led to fashion modeling jobs as well as other financial assets.  Not he hadn't made millions, and doubted any models did, unless it was the photographers.  He made enough to buy his farm and get married.

What did his wife think of his modeling?
She was a model herself and he objected more to her modeling, than she did to him modeling.

Did he find it embarrassing to model nude?
No.  The photographers treated it as a routine job and so did he.  It was a job, and sometimes a darned hard one to say nothing of weird and uncomfortable. 

Any embarrassing moments?
One on a field trip just East of Toronto, he and the photographer ploughed through the bush and found a secluded spot.  After some thirty minutes of concentrated work photographing John 'au-naturel' they suddenly became aware that they were being observed by three Girl Guides.  Unwittingly, they had wandered into the back end of the Toronto Girl Guide Camp.  Needless to say, they never used that location again.

We spent the last half hour of our visit drooling over John's scrapbook, which was a hefty volume of magazine clips and original prints, some of which would have sent most of you girls into orbit. From his early teens to the present day all John's pictures showed the same sparkling personality and we don't doubt for a minute that this has contributed greatly to his success in life and to his career as a physique model.  In spite of our short stay we both felt that we had really made a friend, and expected to see a lot more of John Ingle.

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