Friday, May 31, 2019

Prime Time Supporters: Derek Smith in What/If

Last week, I posted about Blake Jenner and his role in the new Netflix series What/If. (HERE:)  I hadn't seen the ten episode first season when I posted, but was eager to check it out after reading about the series, my love for Renée Zellweger, and after seeing the captures of Blake's butt scene in the first episode.

The critics weren't that kind, but some also missed the allure of powerful performances and the addictive quality to the worlds created by writer Mike Kelly.  I'm just half way through season 1 and although there are some clunky scenes, some over the top dialogue, and many hole filled plot points, it's still a lot of fun, mostly due to stellar cast and how fully Renée dives into her juicy role.

The cast full of talented actors, not to mention a feast of male eye candy.  In addition to Blake Jenner, there were about a half a dozen actors I was madly IMDB'ing to find out more about.  On the top of that list, was the sexy ginger Derek Jamieson Smith who plays Kevin.

Kevin is first introduced as a bartender who acts as a sounding board to Marco (Juan Castano) who's had a bad day.  I wasn't initially sure if that scene would be a one and done, but we soon saw Kevin stripping and then joining Marco and his boyfriend Lionel (John Clarence Stewart) for a very hot threesome.  Hoping if What/If comes back for a second season, there will be more of Kevin to enjoy!

Derek in One Of Us (2017)


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