Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Blake Griffin: Leg Day

I watch basketball, well, during the playoffs, and knew a bit about Blake Griffin, but somehow wasn't as aware of one of Blake's most enticing elements as I should have been.  Earlier this week I saw the image below posted on Twitter.  I'm going to out on a limb here, but I'm guessing your eyes went exactly in the same direction that mine did.

Those legs are a visual feast for the eyes and when I saw the image, I stopped, enjoyed and then stupidly kept scrolling.  I couldn't however, get that image out of my head, and scrolled back up to find it.  But.. as Twitter so annoying often does, my home feed had changed once again. I didn't remember which person that I followed posted the picture, and couldn't find the image or post again to save my life.

I decided to check Google and search for Blake Griffin legs and voilĂ , there it was!  The image isn't new, but it was certainly new and a welcome visual to me! There were also several tantalizing images of Blake's luscious limbs I also wanted to share.  I also forgotten that Blake also appeared in ESPN's Body Issue back in 2011. 

Blake Griffin on Instagram 

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