Saturday, December 17, 2022

Classically Ornamental: Dawn Tang by John Mar Photo

'I love how the Rudolph-inspired pic came out! That’s the energy from the entire shoot summed up in one photograph.'

When it comes to holiday decorations, especially for Christmas, most of us pick a side. Some, go traditional, choosing mostly vibrant reds and greens. Classic Christmas colors with long established visuals like Santa, Frosty and Rudolph.  Others choose a more contemporary look, putting their own modern take on their Yuletide celebration. There's often the festive feel is architecturally based with a focus on clean lines, frequently using largely gold, white and silver tones. 

Then, there's the rest of us, those who blend the modern with the classic.  We mix the red and green glass balls, and the ornaments handed down, with memories firmly attached, with our latest purchases from Amazon and our favorite home decor stores.  It's usually a mix-match of colors, themes and time periods, but somehow we make it work.

Last month, I featured model Nick Floyd, and his work with photographer Tony Xaiver from SedatedPhotosLA. (HERE:) After Tony mentioned that it was Nick's work with John Mar that led to the shoot, I had to check out John's work for myself.  I headed to John's Instagram portfolio and was struck by the beauty of the visual diversity within his images.  The diverseness was extensive, from the model's look, age and body type through the blend of styles, themes and moods John incorporates in his work.

The beautiful blend was integrated in so many of John's images and in both his location and studio shoots.  It was also evident in his holiday shoots, which of course drew my attention. Such a great example of what I loved so much about his work was so perfectly portrayed in his work with model Dawn Tang

The holiday shots John sent on blended both classic Christmas visuals with John's uniquely creative take on decorating for the holiday.  John wasn't decorating a home or a tree, his decorations and ornaments were decked, hung and strung on and around Dawn.  In this series, Dawn is adorned with classic red and green Christmas balls, a favorite theme of Dawn's from the shoot. 

'My favorite part of the shoot was definitely the use of the Christmas tree ornaments. I loved those sparkly balls all around me while I was naked. It was John’s idea and it was really creative!  It was especially fun and you have to try to make those stay on your body without falling with me lying on the ground'

This series of images is classically ornamental, but it wasn't just Christmas balls that John decorated Dawn with.  To check out some of the more contemporarily decorative Dawn looks on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

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