Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Nassim Lyes in Under Paris

I thought UNDER PARIS would be a jokey movie, like SHARKNADO, but Twitter convinced me to give it a watch, and it's really quite good. The last 25 minutes were amazing.

So like many, I saw the promotional posters for Under Paris and assumed it was just another low budget Sharknado type film.  I'm so glad I saw Stephen King's Tweet, and followed the the King of Horror's advice.  Under Paris was of course silly and ridiculous, but it was also really fun and an enjoyable weekend summer watch. 

I loved seeing the original Jaws on VHS when I was a kid, it was one of my dad's favorites.  It's also a movie I've since purchased many times.  On DVD, on Blu-Ray, the many 'special editions' and most recently on Blu-Ray 4k.  I've watched it more than a few times, usually in the summer, and enjoy it every time. 

I'm one of those people that would rather watch a film I know I'll enjoy, then wasting time watching some lousy new release that want to turn off after a few minutes.  So glad however, with Under Paris, I gave a new shark movie a shot.

One of the highlights of the shark flick, was being introduced to actor Nassim Lyes who played Adil.  Nassim looked especially hot in his police tactical gear and of course, in his tight wet suit.  I'd not cinematically introduced to Nassim before, but that face, and those beautiful eyes, certainly made an imprint!  Check out more of Nassim, minus the wet suit, on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

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