Monday, June 17, 2024

FaVorite Face of the Day: Nassim Lyes

36 year old Nassim Lyes, (Nassim Si Ahmed) was born in NĂ®mes, a city in the Occitanie region of southern France.  After obtaining his Bac ES, Nassim moved to Paris in 2011 and began auditioning, quickly being spotted by director Tristan Aurouet.  Aurouet cast the young actor in his first role in the film Mineurs 27.

Nassim's rock hard body comes from years of Kickboxing, and won the 2009 French junior kickboxing championship in the 67 kilo category.   Nassiim has been working steadily in film on television the last ten plus year.  Some American viewers might have noticed the actor on HBO's Julia, and of course most recently in Under Paris on Netflix.

When I first started Under Paris, I wasn't sure I was going to make it all the way through.  The French speaking film is dubbed in English, and it took a minute or two to move beyond the actors lips not always matching the sound coming out.   

Then I met Nassim...  his lips, his face and his body drew me in, and watching the entire film was a pleasure.   As Stephen King said, the ending was crazy, but really, really fun.  I'm certainly going to be looking for more of Nassim's work.

I wish I could identify the movie that the scene below comes from.  If anyone knows, let me know!

The Misadventures of Hedi and Cokeman (2011)

Yes, that Nassim's butt in the background walking into the pool.

The Spy

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