Sunday, March 8, 2015

Quaternate: Richard Rothstein

Once upon a time there was an entertainer that I was profiling. I devoted an entire day of posts on FH and focused on their work as a model with three separate artists. The subject of the posts however ended up asking for their images to be removed. They felt they were not meshing with the direction of the career as an entertainer. I didn't mind. Through putting together the posts, I had the opportunity to do my first posts ever on FH featuring the work of Gordon Nebeker, Michael Styles and New York's Richard Rothstein. Richard Rothstein's work has become a regular part of FH since that day and Richard, a favorite artist to collaborate with. Going back through the posts featuring his work, was like travelling through an entire year in New York at lightening speed. The feel of the city, the sights, the colors, the seasons and weather and of course, all of those incredible men of Manhattan.

Naughty by Nature πŸŽ„



Chest & Nuts πŸŽ„





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