Saturday, July 17, 2021

Ephemeral Sunset by Richard Rothstein

'A sunset will color your dreams.'
Anthony Hincks

Spotlighting 'favorites' is clearly a core component of FH.   My favorite images, my favorite artists, and models, my favorite poses, locations and themes.  This series of images, combines so many of my favorites together. Richard Rothstein is one of my favorite artists to feature.  Richard's work never ceases to amaze me with his panoramic views of incredibly hot men, both visually alluring and distinctive in their erotic appeal.  When it comes to models, Richard doesn't have a 'type', instead, he has an eye for choosing just the right man for the moment and theme he's looking to capture. 

This shoot features Nick, one of my favorite models that Richard has worked with.  I first featured Richard's work with Nick back in 2017 with Nick's Riverside run. (HERE:)  I was instantly drawn to Richard's shots of a Nick jogging naked through Riverside Park in Manhattan.  Richard described Nick's naked run as unique visual beauty that his camera could feast on.

A visual feast is the perfect description of Richard's images of Nick.  More than just a great meal, this banquet of beauty you continue to devour.  Thankfully, Richard kept the courses coming, and I was able to feature more of Nick's work, both on the streets of Manhattan, and over looking the city from several of Richard's high rise apartments.  These images, are from the new space Richard moved into this year. 

This particular shoot was also shot at dusk, my favorite time of day.  Sunset is a favorite time for most artists due to the light and colors the sky so generously cascades. As a night person, sunset for me, also marks the beginning of the second part of my day.  

For many, it marks the start of sleep, but for me, it's when my energy peaks, and when I'm most creative.  Although I'm usually not home, our outside not working on the site during dusk.  But...if you've read a particularly inspired post on FH, it's highly likely, it was written as the sun was setting.  

In addition to the colors, and beautiful light and shadows, I think so many are drawn to sunsets due to their ephemeral feel.  Although they occur each night, they are fleeting.  The light is also never consistent, it varies greatly depending on the weather, the season, and the days amount and level of sunlight.  Some days, the sun sets quietly behind a curtain of grey clouds.  Other days, it departs loudly, screaming center stage in vibrant tones of oranges and reds.

I love how Richard captured so many of the colors, tones and moods of the dusk light.  I especially love how he captured so many moments of the light and shadow brushing over the furniture, walls and pictures in his apartment, and over Nick's body and skin.  Some some shots, Nick's nakedness is hidden in shadow and shade.  In others, his body is spotlighted, heightening the definition of his body, muscles and curves, and the bright colors of his tattoos.  

If you want to see more or Richard's sunset shots, and more of Nick, check out more the NEXT PAGE HERE:   Also check out the links of my previous posts featuring Richard's work with Nick below.

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