Friday, April 29, 2011

Favorite Pic of the Day for April 30th

Model Search winner Matt Eldracher by Chris Teel.
-See much more below-

Happy Birthday today April 30th to:

Happy 38th to Jeff Timmons!

See more of Jeff and fellow birthday boys, Blair McDonough, Johnny Galecki & Adrian Pasdar HERE: and Paul Gross and Perry King HERE:

Just Because:

The Apple doesn't fall far....

Don't know whether this was horrid, hilarious or genuis. Time will tell...

Everyone Has A Story....

Every week on The Today Show Kathie Lee Gifford loudly wails that 'Everyone Has A Story'. This of course is true. You, I, everyone who makes it past the age of 20 or so has a past. Many of our stories are filled with not just joy and laughter but sadness and sometimes even horrific pain. I have written before that I believe stories from our childhood and youth usually follow us into adulthood. I know from personal experience, whether we like it or not...they help shape it. Even if we don't see or understand it, our responses to such basic parts of being an adult, love, intimacy and how we relate to others is often connected to childhood experiences, some we may not even remember (Take note Charlie Sheen, some, if not all, of your children are going to have warped adult relationships and confusion about sex...YOU can count on it!)

The question we must ask ourselves is how many of these 'stories' really need to be told. The Internet, especially sites like Facebook and Twitter (and blogger...) create an atmosphere where everything we do each day can be written about as if it has some sort of importance beyond what it really is. I like Rob Lowe, I enjoyed reading the article about him in Vanity Fair and seeing a few clips of his time on Oprah. Rob Lowe's life thus far really worthy of an autobiography? A story in Vanity Fair or People magazine sure, but an entire book....

It seemed to be at one time autobiography's and biography's were reserved for the exceptional. They chronicled the long lives of extraordinary people. Do Valerie Bertinelli's weight loss and Snooki's love life really warrant the destruction of our forests. You know most of these books are going to end up in land fill sites. Some of these stories might be interesting but most of these lives have not been lived long enough to truly be worth documenting as history.

I worry many of these 'celebrities' also embellish to sell a book and make a buck. I know many disagreed when I posted about Meredith Baxter's book last month. Her publisher obviously felt her career and late in life lesbianism declaration was not a big enough 'hook'. Therefore it seemed...sordid and possibly exaggerated details of her 'abusive' marriage were included. True or not, they certainly made dramatic sound bites for her countless talk show appearances. The same thing is happening this week with Kara Dioguardi (yeah..I know...who?). As talented a song writer as she may be, in no way is she interesting enough, or famous enough to warrant a book. Yet she is on television selling one this week. Those interviewing her care little about her talent, but her detailed account of date rape makes for great commercial teasers...

So many celebrities 'claim' that if their story can just help one person the pain and process of writing the book would all be worth it. Bullshit! Few are helped by these books. There are only a handful that I can think of that had any real meaning. Suzanne Somers first book certainly did great things for the families of alcoholics. One reason it accomplished this was because when it came out few celebrities were sharing with her candor, especially about the subject of living with an alcoholic.

Bette Davis, Katharine Hepburn (below), Paul Newman. These celebrities have had long careers, award winning motion pictures, interesting personal drama and lives that weaved through many interesting decades and times. They were exceptional. Most of the people on the covers of today's celebrity biography's are not. Hundreds of years from now (maybe much less) members of the human race will be laughing looking back at the fact that in January 2011 someone named Snooki had a book that made the extended New York Times Best Seller list. We will be mocked and mocked hard!

Culmination: Matt Eldracher by Chris Teel

Model Search 2011 Winner: 

Matt Eldracher by Chris Teel

Last fall, FH, along with photographer Chris Teel, launched our Model Search 2011. For 6 weeks models sent in their shots and info and in December Chris Teel, model Corey Kirk, actor Brandon Ruckdashel and myself narrowed down the applicants to a final top 10.

Throughout December the voting was fast and furious with two candidates in particular getting the lions share of the votes. In the end, 21 year old Matt Eldracher from Windsor Ontario took the crown.

His adorable face and lean body, not to mention his charm, gained Matt many fans. In March of this year Matt traveled to Toronto and he and Chris Teel shot on the 15th of March. Model and photographer shot several themes (some of which you will have to wait and see on Chris' site). Matt proved to be a natural in front of the camera. Also an actor and dancer, Matt used his skills to help complete Chris' creative vision and the results as you can see are both sexy and incredibly beautiful.

Encore: Matt Eldracher by Chris Teel

All great achievement's require an encore.

Chris Teel Official Site:
Chris Teel on Model Mayhem
Matt Eldracher on Model Mayhem

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Favorite Pic of the Day for April 28th

Sean Patrick Davey by Marlen Boro.
Learn more about Sean below!

Happy Birthday today April 28th to:

Ryan Le Bar turns 30 today!

Check out more of Ryan and fellow birthday boys for April 28th; Andrew Blake Ames, Drew Daniel, Nate Richert & Chris Young HERE:

The Bottom Line

Trial By Fire: Sean Patrick Davey By Marlen Boro

FH has profiled many successful models and artists. Those who check out the blog on a regular basis know I love to spotlight new and up and coming talent. I love to showcase artists whose work is not widely seen on the net. I am not sure however that I have profiled someone during that exact transition time when plane tickets are purchased, bags are packed and hopes and desires are moving from something one thinks and dreams about to something one is actually now living.

These shots of model Sean Patrick Davey by the generous and immensely talented Marlen Boro were taken only about two weeks ago. The shoot was in part, a way of helping prepare Sean for working in New York. Sean was was recently signed with Silver Model Management, and only moved from Minneapolis to 'The Big Apple' a few days after the shoot.

Sean was referred to Marlen Boro through another model that he the was working with. A family crisis prompted Sean to start acting on some long-standing goals -and basically he decided to quit caring what other people thought. Sean decided to start doing professional wrestling, modeling, and wants to try out for this seasons Big Brother.

'Sean's a great sport - and very patient - it's how he's achieved basically anything he's set his mind to. I think people assume that if you're hot, modeling is just a breeze - just stand there and pose. But Sean, for example, needed to work on his facial expressions. Learning to how to make his amazing abs look best for the camera, things like that. So we shots several times with the goal of creating a well-rounded portfolio.'
Marlen Boro

This past Christmas it was clear to Marlen that they had gotten to the point where Sean was ready to submit to agencies. Unfortunately, the first couple were quick to dismiss him.

'This is where Sean's perseverance was key - he was disappointed, but didn't give up. So we researched more and found Silver and some other agencies that were more fitness-focused. Sean sent his shots in and Silver jumped. He went off to NYC for a live audition - and sort of nailed it. They were amazed by his body and looks (hot redheads are in demand), but they were most worried that he was too shy. I think it's a Minnesota thing - being polite and not talking unless you're asked a question.'

'So this last shoot we really pushed Sean's comfort level. Knowing that he was going to be shooting in some really skimpy underwear and also doing some butt shots. And of course he was amazing. With Sean there's definitely this combination of friendship and mentoring. Because I do spend alot of time working with each guy to find his best poses and work on his weak points (whether that's confidence, smiling, holding poses, etc.) there's definitely a mentoring aspect. It's has been great working with Sean, I find inspiration from Sean's dedication and am determined to keep getting better myself.'

The Window: Sean Patrick Davey By Marlen Boro

Sean Patrick Davey By Marlen Boro

For models who step in front of the lens of Marlen Boro, shooting in front of 'the window' is a beautiful prerequisite. You know I love 'the window' and not just because of the natural light it provides. It is also a beautiful symbol for looking both out, and more specifically, looking inward, which is what a great photograph often causes the viewer to do.

Modeling, Wrestling, School....

Sean says pursing each of these goals was a struggle. He had the desire, but fear often got in the way and made him too scared to try. Sean gives Marlen a lot of credit for helping him with building confidence. Sean is a former mixed martial artist but always preferred watching pro wrestling growing up. Sean appreciated the acrobatics and story lines involved. Sean was aware his biggest challenge was his shyness and that he needed to come across as more of an extrovert. It was for this reason he began wrestling with a mask on. Sean felt this would help him with his nerves and would save him from having to show as much expression. This gave him the opportunity to work on his confidence, skills and train at his own comfort level.

Sean says he appreciates the business of wresting even more now that he knows how difficult wrestling can actually be. Sean uses his pro wrestling character to help him come across as more confident, even cocky at times. Using it to help him from being so self spoken. Whatever Sean is doing, it is certainly coming through in his work. In this last shoot with Marlen, Sean not only looks confident, he looks content. Strong, in control and incredibly hot. Ready to take on the excitement, the highs and the lows, and most importantly the challenges that await him in New York.

'Working with Marlen has been great. I have come a long way since October and all of that is credited to him. He was very helpful if giving me pointers to help me develop. We always stayed within my comfort level and that helped me slowly grow. Any one that has the privilege to work with Marlen should take it because they are in great hands and you can learn a lot. He is also a gifted photographer. In all of my first shots people would comment how great of a photographer I have. I met Marlen through a friend of mine and he quickly became more than my photographer. Marlen is a triple threat, he became a mentor, a photographer, and a friend.'

Sean Patrick Davey

Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 225 lbs
Chest: 48"
Waist: 34"
Shoe: 12.5
Hair color: Red
Hair length: Short
Eye color: Hazel
Skin color: White
Experience: Experienced

Want to spend more time with Sean? Of course you do! Check out Marlen's latest slideshow HERE: