Saturday, May 11, 2024

Favorite Pic of the Day for May 12th

Dex by Studio1x
-See More Below-

~Check out today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:~

Seasonal Sightings

 Taking a short walk with mom after her Mother's Day brunch took a bit of a turn...

Voice In The Wilderness...

Artwork by badsign769 

'I've got a good mother 
and her voice is what keeps me here'
Jann Arden

When I was University, I remember one of my Psychology professors telling us that a  parent's primary job was to put their voice in our heads.  He encouraged mothers and fathers to talk to their children constantly, filling their heads with stories and lessons.  The goal, that long after they're gone, when we're trying to make a decision, when we're scared, in crisis, or just feeling alone, their voice would be there to guide and comfort.

Remaining artwork by Achillias

A good parent nags enough, yells enough, annoys you enough to ensure their voices remain. It is that voice that helps you treat others well, it is that voice that helps you make good choices, it is that voice that makes you feel safe and loved. A good mother does this, even if at  times during your life. it annoys the shit of you and you hate her for it.

I've always remembered that, and know from my own experience how true it is.  Although my mother is gone, her voice runs through my head at the oddest of times.  I hear her voice at the strangest times.  Her asking if I 'really need that', when I'm about to buy something I don't need, or her praising my efforts and creativity.  I got good grades in school, not great, so my mother learned that praising my efforts did so much more than praising the results.

I know not all kids are blessed to have positive voices in their heads.  Some of have horrible messages they don't want to keep, but get out of their heads.  I remember a friend I knew from high school who had a mother who constantly belittled them.  His mother even had him posing nude for a 'bohemian' group of artists when he was still in school. The art close he laughed at and shook off, he liked the money he was paid.  The words from his mother however, he found harder to get past.  Even back then, our friendship group spent so much time when we were with him, trying undo and rewrite the messages being implanted by his mother. 

On this Mother's Day, whether you have or had a loving caring mother, or a mother who imprint messages of fear or self-doubt, I hope you've all found a positive voice.  In this world today, we need those messages more than ever to remember and hold on to.  I never thought much about those voices until after my mother died.  As much as I love celebrating holidays on FH, I never really celebrated Mother's Day on the site until after my mother died.  The power of the voice.   Thanks to Achillias and badsign769 for the original artwork!

Mother's Day on FH:  2020 / 2021 / 2022 / 2023

Sequins & Skin

Today, there are many women who are referred to as 'mother'.  It may apply to a strong, pop culture icon, or a woman with unmistakable queer appeal.  Sometimes it gets overused, but it's generally seen as a compliment and a high form of praise.

When I think of 'mother' I also think of drag. Many people new to drag, refer to the queen who first helped and supported their introduction to drag as their drag mother.  More generically, it's also often used in the drag community to reference a queen seen as experienced, powerful, respected and  nurturing of female energy in those around them.

The term isn't new however, and a little research tells us that gay men were using the term going back a far as the 1720's.  One of the first people given the title was a woman named Margaret Clap.  Today, Clap would be considered an 'ally' but in London in the 1720's, she was also a life saver.  Clap ran a coffee house that secretly served as a base for men to have sex with other men.

Adonis Cabaret

'Mother Clap' as she became to known, was arrested during a raid of her coffee house in 1726. 40 male occupants were also arrested.  Clap was found guilty and sentenced to stand in the pillory, pay a large fine, and two years in prison.  News of her life ends with her imprisonment, and it's not known where she ever made it out.

I also weave mothers and drag together as it was that via our mothers, that most of us first explored our feminine side.  Although I was never personally really into drag, I have a strong respect for drag performers, especially given today's political climate.  Drag performers have been leading the way visually, for many LBGQT issues.

Next 2 shots from Images Male

Check out more of Geneva, Venus and Harrison,(above and below) and their shoot with Images Male on FH HERE:

I'm quite sure many gay men, regardless of whether they're queens or not, at one time, peaked into their mother's closet and tried something on.  Part of my transition from boy to teen, was a brief period when I was about 9 or 10 of coveting my mothers clothes.  Even more than her clothes, I loved her high heel shoes.  Whenever the house was empty, I'd sneak into her room and try on her clothes, her jewelry and of course her shoes. 

I'd stick my feet into her shoes, ones that were far too small for me, and strut around the house with pride.  This phase didn't last long, maybe just a year or less, but it made an impact.  Except for one Halloween party when I dressed as an old woman, my drag career was over, but my love of the art remains.

I also love imagery of drag queens with nude men.  There is something highly erotic to me about combining what in some ways are visual inverses. I think we all know however, they are more similar than different and simply opposites sides of the continuum of the man both in, or out of, whatever he is wearing.  Check out one of the world's most iconic drag queen and mothers on the NEXT PAGE HERE:  Including are one of her most iconic films, which also includes a little male skin.


Helianthus: Dex by Studio1x

'Sunflowers always seek the light, no matter the storm.'

Longtime FH readers know that sunflowers have been apart of many posts on the site.  In party, it's simply they're beauty.  Sunflowers loom larger than most flowers, taller, stretching to reach the sun and sky.  Their color is also stunning, in part due to the size of the vibrant yellow petals. 

Sunflowers also hold a great deal of symbolism.   Like all flowers, sunflowers must crawl their way through the dirt in order tor each the light.  Then, many grow taller, thicker and stronger than almost every other flower.  In addition to growth and resilience, sunflowers also represent loyalty, devotion, positivity and joy.  It's hard not to brighten up when seeing a single sunflower, let alone a sunflower field full of yellow sunshine. 

Although I always loved sunflowers, my passion for the flower was only heighted after my mother died.  They were her favorite flower, and I the only flower she welcomed on Mother's Day.  She actually disliked getting flowers as gifts, she felt them a waste of money, and only something that wilted and died.  The exception was sunflowers, which she accepted with a smile. 

Although I'd previously featured several shoots of male models with sunflowers, since her death, I've actively looked for more.  So many of my favorite artists have scoured their archives, sending on their work with models and sunflowers.  I especially love that this year's shoot features Studio1x and his work with Dex.

Jim from Studio1x has shot many holiday themed shoots for the site, and his first and only Mother's Day shoot from 2021 featured Dex. (Room 118)  There were sunflowers in that shoot, just Dex heading to room 118 for a passionate afternoon with his best friend's mother.  Last year, I spotted an image of Dex on Jim's Instagram.  I quickly got in touch and Jim sent on all of his work with Dex for me to choose from.

Since then, I've featured several of the themes Jim and Dex shot including Dex in and out of a winter sweater, (HERE:) and with another flower, the rose, this past Valentine's Day. (HERE:)  Sadly, this is the last set with Dex, but hopefully we'll see him again in the future.  It's certainly not the last time I'll feature sunflowers on the site, they bring forth too much joy, and so many wonderful memories.