Thursday, October 27, 2022
Instagrams That Inspire: Mister Caccamo
One of the hottest Instagram creators, (and OnlyFans) is most definitely Mister Caccamo. I especially love that Roberto Caccamo seems to love holiday themed imagery as much as I do.
I first saw some of Roberto and his plump pumpkins last November, and as hard it was, tucked them away until this Halloween season. Whether he's leather bound cat, a Ghost struggling to keep covered, or just bulging in orange, Roberto always brings his all to the content he shares.
FH Costume Parade!
As is tradition here at FH, this past Saturday, we had our annual Halloween gala and costume contest. With Covid still an issue, vaccinations were or course still mandator for all participants. Masks were also required, except for when official portraits were taken for the contest. Social distancing was encouraged, but with a room filled of hot, mostly naked men, we quickly gave up trying to enforce it. We did reduce the numbers, and sadly, spectators were not allowed at this years bash, but thanks to FH, some of the best and most creative non-costumes are featured here.
After Party
'Clothes make a statement but Costumes tell a story.'
There were many costumes, and many stories told at this year's holiday extravaganza, most of them told, after the party was officially over. The after parties were wild with witches putting their brooms in many crazy places. The witches brew was strong, and inhibitions were low so most of the stories sadly, must be left untold.
And Chavez did manage to convince the last three remaining stragglers to participate in a series of group games that I'm sure none of them remembered the next morning.