Sunday, June 23, 2024

Favorite Pic of the Day for June 24th

-See More Below-

~Check out today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:~

Seasonal Sightings:

Who Dat?

This isn't the first time one of those composite casting notices on Deadline Hollywood has caught my eye.  I don't often go to the actual website, but I do follow Deadline on Twitter. (and yes.... I'll always call it Twitter).  There's something about they crop those faces that grabs my attention, and although all four faces in the news item were hot, but one was especially familiar. 

The notice was about casting for season three of The Sex Lives of College Girls.  I've been wanting to check out the show as I love the comic sense of Mindy Kaling, one of the shows creators, producers and writers.  The actor, third from the left, is Michael Provost, an actor I almost featured in a nude scene for a 12 Days post last Halloween.  Check out more of Mr. Provost on the NEXT PAGE HERE:


Welcome Summer!

Summer finally arrived this week and to help celebrate I thought we'd take a visual visit to summer in Wicklow Ireland. These self-portraits were taken by Naked Kev, a nude enthusiast and model who I first featured back in 2014. (HERE:)

Grounded: Seth Peterson by Michael von Redlich

You have seen Seth in a tree
You have seen Seth on a rock
But my favorite view of Seth to see
Is his sexy, naked desert walk

With apologies to Dr. Seuss, for this series of images, a playful rhyme, with a dash of anapestic tetrameter seemed entirely in order.  This series is the coda, the final chapter in the trilogy of posts featuring photographer Michael von Redlich and his work with model and adult film star Seth Peterson.  

This is certainly not the end of featuring Michael's work, nor his work with Seth.  These images however, are the final shots from Michael's work with Seth, shot last year in Sycamore Creek in Arizona.  I started the series in May, featuring mostly Michael's shots of Seth in a tree. (HERE:) I followed that up with a series of Seth posing on boulders and rocks. (HERE:)  

For this piece, I thought it time to get a little more grounded.  I almost didn't post this series, as they didn't fit into the two previous themes.   I couldn't not use them however, as I think this series is one of my favorites.  Michael's shots of Seth in the tree, and on the rocks were exceptionally beautiful and visually stunning, but there was something about this series I found both playful, and incredibly hot.

When it comes to attraction, there are so many factors come into play.  The physical characteristics of course, a handsome face, beautiful eyes, a great body.  There's personality, intellect, kindness and humor.  But as most of have experienced, at one time or another, there's also something incredibly hot about a great walk.

Who hasn't seen a guy who initially, doesn't tick any of our attraction boxes.  Then, we see them walk, maybe towards us, maybe away, and our ambivalence, turns surprisingly to lust.  Not that I was ambivalent about Seth, I've crushed over him for awhile now.  His work with Michael however, is some of his best, and I don't think he's ever looked hotter than as seen through Michael's eyes and lens.

'I enjoy all my collaborations with Seth. He's such an amazing model and has a great sense of himself.  He's also very charming, funny and creative in his ideas.'

For some, this series of shots could have been outtakes, or behind the scenes shots.  I know some are similar, and there were many more.  Flipping through them though, they seemed more like a movie than a series of images.  Like those old View-Masters, that you flip quickly to simulate movement. 

I was most intrigued with the environmental and locational exploration with this series.  If I were dropped into the Sycamore Creek desert, I'd want to check out the area, run around, jump on rocks and explore my surroundings.  The fact that Seth is doing all of that that completely naked, only adds to the erotic appeal and visual enjoyment.