Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Favorite Pic of the Day for September 18th

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Happy Birthday today September 18th

Happy 31st to actor Patrick Schwarzenegger!

Check out more of Patrick on FH HERE:
& more of today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:

All Torn Up...


The EMMY's used to be my favorite award show, but I've haven't really paid much attention the last few years.  I did watch most of this year's broadcast, but started it an hour late, so that I could fast forward through the commercials and boring awards.

The 'Is The Bear' a comedy debate was old awhile ago, it's obviously a drama.  I hope the EMMY's get that category fixed or switched before next year, as it really ruined many of the comedy awards, especially for acting.  To see legendary comic actors being sideswiped by a performance with virtually no humor cannot be the intent.  

I love when the EMMY's do reunions, but most of this years fell a little flat.  Throwing random actors together may have seemed a great idea, but the reunions that counted were the Happy Days and West Wing reunions, bringing back actors who worked together on a classic show.

I did love seeing actors Diego Luna and Gael García Bernal present together.  For many in the early 2000's, their work in Y tu mamá también made an impact.  I didn't even own a computer until about 1999 or 2000, and seeing caps of Luna and Bernal, had me on the hunt to rent it when it finally hit Blockbuster.  This one of many films in the early 2000's that introduced me to the world of gay films.

Luna in Y tu mamá tambié

The film also had a lot of nudity from both of it's stars, including the famous and memorable homoerotic shower scene.  Both actors have also given us great posterior perspectives, my favorites being Luna in Y tu mamá tambié and Bernal in Bad Education.

Bernal in Bad Education (2004)

Fisherman's Song: Alain by Frank Joseph

In a pine forest cooler than the rest of the island 
Lives a young fisherman with eyes like the sea 
He built his own boat and made his own cabin 
but he's broken the hearts of the likes like me

Most of my favorite artists and photographers are storytellers. More than just capturing hot men, they create visual tales with beginnings, middles and ends.  I love when I can present a visual tale that unveils itself slowly with each scroll down the page.  Some of these stories are personal, either capturing and chronicling the model, or distinct point of view of the artist.

Most often with images of the male form, the photographer or director, employ their model in the telling of a specific story, usually a fantasy tailored for a specific audience.  Many of the stories depicted are soliloquy's,  a visual monologue told through the eyes of the model or through the lens of artist behind the camera.  

I especially love when artists tell classic stories through a homonormative optic.  I've featured many over the years, most notably, Richard Rothstein's homonormative take on famous Disney characters and fairly tales.  Artist Frank Joseph based this series on a classic song, Fisherman's Song, written and performed by Carly Simon for her 1990 album Have You Seen Me Lately

The song, and the book based on the song that followed, are described as A lyrical tale of an island, and the romance of a man, a woman, and the sea. Like may of Simon's songs, Fisherman's Song is the story of a failed romance.  The style is uniquely Simon, lyrical yes, but also a meloncoly folk song, one that stays with you long after listening.

The song made an impact on Frank Joseph, who shares, both it and the artist, have always had deep meaning for him, hitting on him on an emotional level.  Frank always wanted to visually bring the lyrics to life, but it took years to actually commit to creating his own visual interpretation of the song.

In order to bring it life, he need just the right model to help with the creation of the characters and visuals.   He met just right the man in Alain while on a visit to Amsterdam.  Although Dutch, Alain has now made Costa Rica his home, and when Frank met him, saw an essence and the qualities he was looking for to inspire launching the project. 

Although this series features the alluring Alain, the music video Frank created features the love story between the Fisherman, and his lover.  Their time together was cut short, not due to a fight, or another man, but for a reason, small, but powerful, that  I think many of us have experienced.  The fisherman wanted privacy, and although he welcomed in lovers in, their time was limited.  Ultimately, the Fisherman craved and a life alone, by himself in his cabin in the woods. 

When he cast me adrift at the end of the summer 
It was not for another, but his own privacy 
I fell apart like a rose, but the scent of my longing 
Remains and it weeps like an old willow tree

You can check out the video, featuring Frank and Alain on Youtube HERE:
You can also check out many more images from the shoot on Frank's site HERE:

It's easy to see what Frank saw in Alain which inspired him to bring him into the project.  Alain has that soulful look need to for the role and the song.  He also has a strong, rugged look, making it easy to believe he's spent long hours at sea and built his own cabin and life in the woods.  Alain's fisherman is equally passionate with temporary lovers, and with permanent privacy and partnerless peace.

Frank Joseph on Twitter / Instagram

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Favorite Pic of the Day for September 15th

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~Check out today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:~

Seasonal Sightings:

The Celebrity Olympics: Part V

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Phil Fusco: Enduring

If you follow model and personal trainer Philip Fusco on social media, you know that he was in Los Angeles at the end of August, participating in the Mister USA pageant.  Phil represented New Hampshire and although he didn't win, he did win two awards, Fan Favorite and Influencer of the Year.

Seeing Phil strutting down the stage had me thinking not only is he as hot as ever, but also his enduring ability to stay front and center in the world of the male form on-line.   Like so many, I was first introduced to Phil's work as a fitness model about 15 years ago, in the very early days of the FH site.  

The first images of  Phil were from artist Hans Fahrmeyer, and were initially shot to promote Phil's work with Vista Video. Han's images of Phil remain some of my favorite images of Phil, so to celebrate Phil's Mister USA wins, and to mark his fifteen years of providing stimulating visuals, I thought I'd go back to those original images, and this time, ask Hans to choose his favorite shots from his time shooting Phil.  Check out those shots in the post below. 

Fusco with Tiffany Haddish

Sundays With Hans: A Fusco Fifteen!

'With models I believe in, I invest a lot of time, Phil was one of those models.'

Modeling is an industry known for swallowing up new talent, then quickly spitting it back out.  Regardless of the category, fashion, fitness or nude modeling, male models tend to come and go quickly.  I have featured hundreds of models over the years, most of whom, dipped in, made a bit of money, or had a bit of fun, then just as quickly, dipped back out.

Few male models, especially those on-line models, with a focus on the nude male form, endure in the way model Philip Fusco has been able to do.  I first discovered Phil's work, like many of you I'm sure, with his early work with photographer Hans Fahrmeyer, and Phil's work with Vista Video.  Phil hit the world of on-line nude modeling back in 2009, and with the exception of a brief hiatus, has remained popular with both long time, as well as new fans of visuals, and the artistry of the male form.

Hans images of Phil were used heavily in the promotion of Phil's videos for Vista.  If anyone remembers being on line in the late 2000's and early 2010's, you remember Phil's shoots with Hans were featured and shared all over the net.  Sites featuring the male form, message boards, Yahoo groups and social social media sites.

Hans shares that really enjoyed working with Phil, and in addition to liking him as a model, really enjoyed him a a person.  Besides being a really nice guy, Hans remembers enjoying Phil's stories.  When he get him to stop texting, Phil would often shares stories, usually about his passion, and experiences with women.  There's one particular story involving Phil, a woman, and a kitchen table, that Hans still hasn't been able to forget. 

Hans and Phil first connected back in August of 2009.  Although Hans managed to captured 100's of images, they only actually shot together a few times.  They worked for hours however, during those shoots, with Hans doing close to a dozen lighting and prop changes to create different looks, styles and moods. 

Hans remember Phil as being committed to his career, and also that he really enjoyed the shooting process.  This for Hans, made his job so much easier.  Hans also remembers that it was Phil who first introduced him to model Marcel Rodriguez.  Marcel worked with Phil at Vista Video, and Hans enjoyed working with Marcel equally well.  You can check out Hans work with Marcel on FH HERE:

If you search 'Phil Fusco' at the top of this site, or check out my past Sundays With Hans, (HERE:) you'll see many posts and stories featuring Hans work with Phil.  For this post however, instead of choosing my favorite shots of Phil, I ask Hans to pick out his favorites.  I did hint however, I was a big fan of Phi's perfect posterior.   Hans sent on dozens of shots, but given we're celebrating the last 15 years, I narrowed it down to a favorite fifteen. 

If you're a Phil Fusco fan, or a regular reader of the site, you know Phil has worked with some of the best chroniclers of the male form, and branched out to fitness and personal training, runway work, as well as starting his own OnlyFans page.   When I interviewed Phil back in 2021, (HERE:) he shared what fans could expect if they joined.

'My fans can expect to see everything. I don't hold back at all on my page. I show everyone what they want to see. I always interact a lot with everyone. I do host weekly live chats with everyone. I answer every DM personally, and I make fresh totally nude content all the time, I also post stuff from photoshoots, that I wouldn't be able to post on any other social media site.' 

Every year, I wonder how long I'll continue working on FH.  I certainly don't expect to still be doing it in fifteen years.  Then again, I didn't think back in 2009 that I'd be working on it fifteen years later.  Then... every time I think of stopping, a new image, artist, model or shoot inspires me continue.  I also love checking back in with previous subjects, and both Hans and Phil have been an important part, and some of my favorites artist to spotlight over those fervent fifteen. 

Phil Fusco on Twitter / Instagram