Saturday, January 22, 2022

The Urban Nudist: Ticket to Ride

'I think I most love the sense of freedom that public nudity offers to me.'

I can only imagine that the feelings of excitement and vulnerability Michalis were only intensified with his nude subway rides.  Unlike most public spaces, once the subway doors close, Michalis has no escape.  He can't exactly leave or walk away once the train is underway.  The interactions and proximity to other is much closer and more intimate.  

I think the intimate encounters the subway rides invite are why this series of images are my favorites.  As you can see from the masks, some of these shots were taken a couple of years ago before the pandemic began.  The others, were taken more recently.  You can see videos from these subway rides on Michalis' Vimeo page HERE:

What has been your favorite experience being nude in public so far? 
This past summer, an old lady stopped me while I was walking naked, and talked to me for more than 10 minutes at the street about my action asking questions and that she was impressed about it. She made me feel so great about the action and made it even more normalized. 

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