Saturday, September 3, 2022

A Vintage Vantage: Sept 6th, 1975

'More Beauty per Square Inch than the Grand Canyon!'

Not sure where you were back on Sept 6th 1975,  but the place to be seems to have been The Beacon Theatre in New York City. Promoter Rod Swenson, attempted to legitimize a little bit of Times Square tawdriness by bringing the strip show uptown and giving it the fancy title of Ms. All-Bare America. 

Hosted by shock jock Don Imus, with the Dictators as the special musical guest, the nude beauty pageant went on for several years with a focus on the female form.  There is even a video of the feamle portion of the show and the women taking it all off for the 1975 contest on Youtube. HERE:

Now I have no idea how, of if it happened every year, but the 1975 show also included a contest for men.  I have no idea if they were guys who entered or husbands and boyfriends of the female contestants, there isn't really much out there on-line.  After seeing one image I set out to find more, but these few were all that I could come up with.  If anyone knows anymore, or who was around to see the show, love to know, and of course see, more! 

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