Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Thespian Torsos

I love reading author John Grisham's novels.  I don't always enjoy watching film adaptations of Grisham's works.  I don't think I ever saw 1997's The Rainmaker, but I did read the book.  I did however, stop and watch a few minutes when it was airing a few weeks ago.

I watched enough to remind me that I'd read the book.  I also watched enough to see a quick scene with Matt Damon shirtless.   It reminded me how I lusted after Mr. Damon in the 1990's.  Starting with Mystic Pizza and School Ties through his roles in Rounders, Good Will Hunting, Saving Private Ryan and of course, The Talented Mr. Ripley.  The 1990's really were peak Damon film viewing.

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