Saturday, June 8, 2024

Your Move Probst....

No we're most likely never going to hear Jeff Probst yell at the male Survivor contestants to take off their pants at the start of a challenge, but that's exactly what happened on the 2011 season of the Swedish version of the reality show.  In Sweden, the show is called Robinson, harking back to  both Robinson Crusoe and The Swiss Family Robinson.

America is still far too puritanical for such a challenge, the Moms for Liberty would be in hysterics.  Keep hundreds of guns in your basement fine, but enjoy a little innocent nudity, especially male nudity, and the protests, advertiser boycotts and e-mail writing campaigns would be in full swing.

Thanks to poster Drake at DreamCap who posted the episode for download, we can still enjoy digitally, what others in ore progressive and body healthy parts of the world see on television.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not for porn or sexual acts being on prime time television, but I am more offended by the violence on most network television procedurals than I am of the nude human body.

Then hot and hunky host of Robinson is Swedish actor and presenter Paolo Roberto.  I especially enjoyed watching Paolo yell at the male contestants to take off their pants, (Ta av dina byxor) and get going.  He's a little loud and aggressive, which in this case,  only adds to the erotic intensity of the challenge.

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