Friday, August 2, 2024

JayK: Wildly Windy

'It was wildly windy when I took these self shots last month.  I set out for a naked hike near Palm Springs and the gusts really picked up once I was out in the desert.'

One of my favorite parts of working on FH is the relationships I've made and the models and artists I've been able to cover over the years.  It's fascinating visually to see the changes in an artist's work, or a model's look as they grow and change. It's also not always just the visuals which change over time, it's also confidence and the attitude and emotion an artist brings to their work.

I first featured model JayK over a decade ago back in 2013. (A Taste of Honey) and have featured his work over a dozen times since.  I've featured Jayk's collaborations with photographers, and his stunning self-portraits, like this series in the desert.  I think my favorite piece was my interview with JayK about his nude work as a model, stripper and nude performer at private parties and functions. (HERE:)

I think one of the changes with JayK's work I've noticed the most is his increased desire to get out and shoot beautiful self-portraits in incredible locations.  JayK has shot while on walks and on hikes, even riding his bike.  He's shot in his kitchen, in the gym, in the woods, in caves, on the mountains. As far as what has stayed the same, JayK's beautiful face and bootylicious bottom caught my attention in 2013 and continue to excite and inspire.

'It's always hard to see exactly what I'm getting shooting outside like this because the sun makes it so difficult to see the screen and I have to use the timer. I'm happy with what I got, though. I would love to do things like this much more often.'

JayK on Twitter / Instagram

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