Friday, January 22, 2021

Intraocular: Dr. Andrew Neighbors

'It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.'

Thanks to the generous posters over at DreamCap, I was happily introduced to Dr. Andrew Neighbors.  I'm pretty good at seeing my family doctor and dentist on a regular basis, but I have to admit, I usually put off seeing my optometrist.  I don't think that would be a problem if it Dr. Andrews was the one looking deeply into my eyes. 

Dr. Andrews doesn't just have good bed side manner with his patients, he has a knack for getting along with everyone.  Some of you might recognize the good doctor from images with some of his model and celebrity friends.  As beautiful as his body is, it's Andrew's face and brilliant smile that made me grateful for my 20/20 vision.  One of my parents was blind and lost their sight when I was just a kid.  They often told me that it was my smile they missed seeing the most. 

If you want to see or learn more about the eye catching eye doctor, check out Dr. Andrew's YOUTUBE page HERE:  In his videos, he discussed everything from dating to coming out, his underwear to being gay and a doctor. 

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