Thursday, May 16, 2024

Body of Art

'I don’t really work out,” he said with a smile. But like most 21 year olds, he does maintain a very active lifestyle. He’s an avid fisherman, he loves soccer and surfing, and he eats a healthy diet. You’d think that he is in the gym everyday, once you seen  him naked.'

Thanks to the blog reader who e-mailed, letting me know the head rooster at this particular hen party was 'Andrew' from Sean Cody.  Andrew appeared on the site back in 2011 and would make him a hot 34 these days.

I did a quick scan of the site, and I couldn't find him, unless the site has a separate area for older models and videos.  A quick image search however, provided a bit of info and some promotional shots from his brief time on the site.