Thursday, May 23, 2024

Music Hath Charms that Soothes the Savage Beast

'FOUND: One missing link - and all the terror that goes with it
Here comes Trog. You'll laugh at yourself for being so scared...but don't laugh at Trog'

As a film buff, for years I heard, and read about Trog.  The 1970 British science fiction film was actress Joan Crawford's last, and arguably worst feature film.  Last year, I added it's airing on TCM to my PVR, but only got around to watching it last week.  I'd heard so much about the film, and about Crawford on set, I wasn't sure how it would stand-up to all that I'd read.

Crawford plays Dr. Brockton an anthropologist who uses drugs and surgery to try to communicate with a primitive troglodyte who is found living in a local cave.  The movie is silly and really bad, but also really enjoyable, especially if you've eaten an edible before pressing play.  One of the interesting parts, knowing  that Crawford was drunk during much of the shoot, was trying to spot moments when she was sober.

'I did it because of Joan Crawford, and poor Joan by this time was a very sad old lady. We had to have idiot cards all over the place because she couldn't remember her lines. It was the last thing she ever did and she shouldn’t have done it. Neither should I..'
Herman Cohen, Producer


The films opens however, with a trio of hot archeologists, heading down into a deep dark cave.  For some reason, two of them decide it's a good idea to dive into the dark water in the cave and take a look around.  The three actors were played by Geoffrey Case, John Hamill and David Griffin.

Keeping Up Appearances 

I love British sit-coms, maybe in part because my mother used to watch them on PBS when I was a kid.  One of her favorites was Keeping Up Appearances.   I didn't recognize him at the time, but David Griffins played Emmett on on the sit-com, spending most of his time trying to avoid running into Hyacinth Bucket.  Griffin is still alive and well, and one of the only members of the sit-com still with us.


The hottest of trio was played by John Hamill.  I had previously posted about Hamill after seeing him in another British film that I discovered on TCM.  The film was 1972's Tower of Evil, and that flick also included a nude scene that I previously featured on the site back in 2014. (HERE:)

It's impossible not to notice Hamill with his beautiful face and buffed body.  The actor was a former physique model who appeared in many British beefcake publications in the 1970's.   Hamill was a staple in British sex comedies in the 70's, especially those written and directed by David Grant. 

If like me, you've heard about Trog, but haven't watched, pop an edible, or pour a glass of wine, and enjoy the show.  Griffin appears throughout the film, but Hamill only appears in the first 20 minutes or so.  I lost interest a bit as it went on, but it was a kind of fun ride for awhile. 


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