Thursday, May 23, 2024

Imports: Jannik Schümann

I'm a little late the Jannik Schümann party, but I'm doing my best to catch up!  I only recently saw the 2016 drama, Die Mitte der Welt (Center of My World), and I'm not sure how I could have missed it the first time.  Thankfully, I read a review last month that had me finding a copy and quickly watching and being absorbed into the story and the performances. 

If you haven't seen it, I suggest you checking it out.  The film introduces us to Phil, (Louis Hofmann) who spends most of his summer, escaping from his family, by hanging out with his best friend Kat.  When summer ends, and Phil heads back to school, he begins questioning his feelings for one of his new classmates, the stunning Nicholas.

Nicholas is played by German actor Jannik Schümann and he and Phil have a hot introduction.  The scene is one many of us have played out in our fantasy's.  We see a hot guy changing in the locker room, but instead of being angry or shy, he turns and ensures we get a complete, and satisfying good look.

Schümann isn't new to acting, he's been working professionally for over 20 years.  He's also not new to nude scenes, there are many on his resume. As a kid, Schümann took an interest in the arts, especially dance and music.  It was actually the young actor's piano skills that helped get him get one of his first roles when he was just 9 years old.  The role was that of young Mozart in the German premiere of the Little Mozart musical at the Neuer Flora theater in Hamburg.

It was just a couple of years later, when Schümann was 11 that he got his first professional role on the German medial series Die Rettungsflieger. (The Air Rescue Team) Other roles on television and films quickly followed.

You can check out more of Jannik, and some of my other favorite nude scenes from his career, on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

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