Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Nudity Not Predicted....

'When you realize you are the show..,'

For me, the element of surprise always plays a role in erotic intensity.  Most of the time, we know when we're about to see a nude body, or even a body part.  When we know that we're about to see someone naked, our body and mind prepares.  Without that preparation, the shock can be a sensual rush.

One of my horniest moments in public was not expected.  It wasn't huge and it didn't last long, but it was certainly memorable.  It occurred of all places at the grocery story.  There was a tall, really hot guy I spotted when I walked in.  I lost him for awhile, but kept my eye out for him as I rolled my cart up and down the aisles. 

I rounded the corner to the pet supply aisle, and spotted him again.  Our eyes didn't connect, he didn't actually see me at first.  He was bend down getting a large bag of dog food from a bottom shelf.  His jeans were just low enough to give me a great view of the top inch of his butt crack.  As hot as that split second was, I kept on walking by when he started to stand up again.  As much as I wanted to, I didn't turn around, I was hot, and possibly even a little red.  I just kept on going savoring the moment.

There was another time I was a lake.  It was a busy day, with lots of kids and families.  I was there with a few of my friends, and we sat at the top of hill, under a tree to get the shade of the large tree's around us.  Later in the afternoon, a hot guy and his girlfriend came and sat about 10 feet in front of us.  After their swim, they came up and laid on their towels.  All of the guys I was with were gay, and we all eyed each other about how hot he was.

A little while later, the couple stood up and look around.  The girl held up a towel so that her boyfriend could change out of his wet boardshorts.  Given that in front of them, we hoards of children, and it was only us behind them, she held up the towel to ensure none of the kids and their mother got a glimpse of the goods.

I'm not sure if either one of them thought, or even cared if we were gay, their main concern was the kids.  As she held up the towel, he very leisure stripped off his wet shorts, dried himself off, then slipped on his briefs.  He seemed in no hurry, nor seemed to care that we could see him.  I don't even think he really looked at us for more than a second.  My friends and I sat in silence until they were finished, and walking towards their car.

I've of course seen hotter moments, and seen hotter men, but those unplanned undressing's gave my body a jolt.   I've featured many spontaneous strips on FH. I've done theme posts on mooning men, and guys skinning dipping, streaking, and changing in public.  The one thing that strikes me, is that most of the guys seem to be straight.

Now gay men have no issue with stripping, but for most, is more carefully planned and calculated.  Gay men just seem more body conscious,  and are a little more particular about when, and where they strip down.  That's not always the case however, I've certainly skinning dipped with friends.  But when straight men strip down in a group, they don't seem as concerned about how they look, or how they might look to others.  

I'm sure many straight guys do, and I don't like generalizations, but there seem to be fewer self-imposed boundaries on straight guys stripping down in front of each other.  I have a lot of straight friends, and even many of them, have no issue stripping down in front of me.  Some even seem to enjoy it, teasing and asking me how they look.  

It's just interesting, I have one straight married friend who strips naked in front of myself and his wife all the time.  I went camping with them once weekend, and he was naked most of the time.  Because wasn't as close with his wife, and didn't know her as well, she and I didn't feel as comfortable taking it all off in front of each other..  He however, didn't seem to care at all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no 2 is quite a show