Thursday, May 2, 2024

Picnic: Kyle Chandler

Broadway 1994
Criterion Center Stage Right
Hal Carter played by Kyle Chandler

It was actually Kyle Chandler, well an image of a shirtless Kyle Chandler, that helped inspire today's salute to Picnic and Hal Carter.  I wasn't aware that Chandler played the role, and when I saw the shirtless shot, had to do a little research.  Chandler usually shy's away from showing much skin, and at first, I wasn't sure it was actually him.  

Indeed it was a promotional shot from Chandler's Broadway debut in the play.  Joining Chandler on stage were; Ashley Judd, Polly Holiday, Larry Bryggman and Tate Donovan as Alan.  The run lasted just over a month, which I'm not sure was intentional, or because of lackluster reviews.  The little I've read wasn't overly positive. 

'Poster-perfect, the muscular Chandler nevertheless lacks any sense of danger or sexual recklessness. The same is true of Judd, ill-suited to the luxuriant strawberry blond mane she can’t keep her hands out of. Both actors always seem to be playing to an unseen camera; they spend more time preening than connecting with each other or the folks watching in supposed horror as the spell takes hold.'

Chandler certainly looks 'poster perfect' in the image above, the same image that me on the hunt for more.  Although the 1994 revival made not have heated up the box office, it did inspire today's theme, and I'm sure, also inspired a few hearts in the audience to beat just a little bit faster.

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