Thursday, September 19, 2024

A Wee Peek...

Last week, I wrote about how much I was anticipating Monsters dropping on Netflix. (HERE:) I was foremost interested the story, but also how much nudity would come from stars Cooper Koch and especially Nicolas Alexander Chavez.  

I was most intrigued to see how much of Chavez we'd see, mostly because Koch had previously gone full frontal with some incredible nude scenes in Swallowed. (HERE:)  Although the series has dropped, I haven't yet watched.  I may try to watch some this weekend, but given the subject matter, I need a night I have time to focus.

When most of us were kids, we peek out from under our bed sheets, or through the crack in the door when we thought there was a monster.  I'd often peek down the basement stairs, double checking there was nothing waiting for me before I dared go down.

With Monsters on Netflix, I also couldn't resist taking a peek, in this  case, at some of the caps so many kind cappers posted on-line.   Usually I avoid caps if I'm planning on watching a show or film, but I had to pull down the covers before watching.

From what I've seen and read, Koch does indeed give us another frontal, and a few butt scenes, and Chavez gives a 'peek' at his butt through a shower door.  That's enough, for now....  For me, they made up for fewer butt shots of Chavez with all those scenes of him in a bulging speedo, which are just as hot to me.

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